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God Save The Quine

Fiona MacKenzie explores the journeys travelled by the country’s most revered female artists including Annie Lennox, Barbara Dickson, Eddi Reader and Clare Grogan.

Tha iomadach boireannach Albannach air buaidh mhòr a thoirt air saoghal a chiùil mar sheinneadairean, sgrìobhaichean agus luchd-ciùil fad is farsaing.

Bidh Fiona NicChoinnich a’ cluinntinn mun slighe agus and strì a bh’ aig, agus a th’aig boireannaich ann an saoghal a tha fhathast air a riaghlach gu mòr le fireannaich. Innsidh Annie Lennox, Barbara Dickson, Sharleen Spiteri, Eddi Reader, Clare Grogan, Lorraine McIntosh, KT Tunstall, Emma Pollock, Amy McDonald, Lauren Mayberry agus Be Charlotte mu cò ris a tha e air a bhith coltach dhaibhsan thar nam bliadhnaichean agus cluinnidh sinn bho Kitti a bheil cùisean dad nas adhartaiche san là an-diugh do thè a tha ag ùr thòiseachadh.

Bidh an seinneadair folk Barbara Dickson ag innse mar a ghluais i bho bhi na bana-ghaisgeach folk go rionnag saoghal pop, agus cluinnidh sinn bho Annie Lennox mu a beatha air an rathad is i a’ cnuasachadh air na duilgheadasan agus dùbhlain a thàinig le bhith cho ainmeil. Bidh Clare Grogan agus Lorraine McIntosh a’ cuimhneachadh air an toileachas a thàinig le bhith nad rionnag pop anns na 80’n, le ìomhaigh agus stoidhle na phàirt mhòr dheth, agus innsidh Sharleen Spiteri mun èirigh aicese gu bhith ainmeil sna 90’n.

Bheir Eddie Reader agus KT Tunstall sinn air turas cuimhneachaidh tro chùrsaichean-beatha iomraiteach agus bidh Amy Macdonald a’ bruidhinn air a’ chuideam a th’air ìomhaigh do bhoireannaich a’ feuchainn ri briseadh tron ghnìomhachas. Cluinnidh sinn bho Emma Pollock mu bhith a’ dol an aghaidh an fhionna agus a’ ruith record label dhith fhèin a-measg companaidhean mòra cumhachdach, agus bidh Lauren Maybury bho Chvrches a’ meòrachadh air cho dùbhlanach ’s a tha àrainneachd ciùil an là an-diugh le sgrùdadh a bharrachd air boireannaich tro na meadhanan sòisealta.

Scotland has a wealth of formidable female singers, songwriters and musicians who have made a huge impact on the music industry both at home and around the globe.

Through exclusive interviews, Fiona MacKenzie explores the journeys travelled by the country’s most revered female musicians; Annie Lennox, Barbara Dickson, Sharleen Spiteri, Eddie Reader, Clare Grogan, Lorrain Mckintosh, KT Tunstall, Emma Pollock, Amy McDonald, Lauren Mayberry, Be Charlotte and newly emerging talent Kitti to discover just how hard the struggle was, and is, to have their voices heard in what is still a very male-dominated world.

We hear from Barbara Dickson as she recounts the transition from folk hero to pop star and the rise to fame that followed. International megastar Annie Lennox talks life on the road as she reflects on the pressures and challenges behind her incredible career.

We’ll discover the excitement and thrill of life as a music star with 80s pop heroes Clare Grogan and Lorrain McIntosh as they reflect on this great period and the pressures of maintaining image and style. While Sharleen Spiteri describes her rise to stardom through the 90s.

Scotland’s female bard, Eddi Reader recalls her fascinating career, KT Tunstall describes her path to fame and Amy MacDonald considers the image pressures that face women as they try to break into the music industry. While Emma Pollock shows just what it takes to not conform and run your own label while surrounded by the powerful major record companies. Chvrches’ Lauren Mayberry reveals the challenges of working in the current musical landscape of streaming and social media where women are often unfairly put under the microscope.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

59 minutes

Last on


Role Contributor
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron
Producer Helena Gallagher
Director Helena Gallagher
Production Company HG Productions
Presenter Fiona Mackenzie
Musician Clare Grogan
Musician Annie Lennox
Musician Eddi Reader
Musician Sharleen Spiteri
Editor James Gellately
