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Teicheadh bho Loch Nis/Escape from Loch Ness

After a rare World War II seaplane becomes stranded on Loch Ness, the race is on to repair the aircraft and return it safely to the air.

Residents and visitors to Loch Ness had the pleasure of seeing a rare World War II ‘Catalina’ flying boat operating from Scottish waters in the autumn of 2020. But when the lumbering seaplane tried to leave, an engine failure left her stranded and exposed to the elements, including storms on the notorious loch.

This documentary, from the makers of ‘VE-Day: Countdown to Peace’ and the award-nominated ‘Plane Resurrection’ series, follows the owners as they battle to prevent the aircraft, one of the few left flying, from ending its days as a wreck in the murky depths of Loch Ness.

The film also examines another tragedy that centred around the pier where the aircraft is stranded, and documents the fraught six-week battle with funds, weather and logistics, to save ‘Miss Pickup’.

Às dèidh dha seann phlèana-mara bho linn an Dàrna Cogaidh a bhith ann an trioblaid air Loch Nis, thathar ann an cabhag a' phlèana luachmhor a chàradh agus a thilleadh dhan adhar gu sàbhailte.

Fhuair luchd-turais is muinntir sgìre Loch Nis cothrom seann phlèana-mara Catalina bho linn an Dàrna Cogaidh fhaicinn a' sgèith às uisgeachan na h-Alba as t-fhoghair dà mhìle is fichead. Ach nuair a bha an t-seann phlèana a' falbh, bhris an einnsein, ga fhàgail ann an staing.

Gun fasgadh bho na siantan, agus ann an cunnart bho stoirmean ainmeil na locha, is gun ach glè bheag dhiubh fhathast a' sgèith, tha am prògram aithris seo bhon fheadhainn a rinn 'VE Day: Countdown to Peace' agus an t-sreath 'Plane Resurrection' a chaidh ainmeachadh airson duais, a' leantainn luchd-seilbh a' phlèana is iad a' feuchainn ri a shàbhaladh bho bhith air a' ghrunnd ann an doimhneachd dhùmhail Loch Nis.

Tha am film cuideachd a' toirt sùil air tubaist eile ceangailte ris a' chidhe far a bheil e ceangailte, agus a' dèanamh aithris air sia seachdainean a' strì ri ionmhas, aimsir is logastachd airson 'Miss Pickup' a shàbhaladh.
Thathar a' fighe dealbhan iongantach bho thìr is às an adhar le sgeulachd inntinnich an seòrsa plèana seo, am fear seo fhèin, agus mar a chaidh an Catalina a chleachdadh an Alba tron chogadh.

47 minutes

Last on


Role Contributor
Narrator Derek Mackay
Producer Ann Morrison
Executive Producer Eleanor Milton-White
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
