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Episode 7

Annabel Maclennan investigates plans to build a space port on the Moine Peninsula in Sutherland. For some it’s an opportunity to revive communities but others fear environmental consequences.

Tha planaichean airson port-fànais a thogail air Rubha na Mòine ann an Cataibh air connspaid adhbharachadh. Do chuid, cothrom a th’ann an sgìre ath-bheothachadh ach do chuid eile tha dragh ann mun bhuaidh air an àrainneachd. Leis a’ phròiseact an-dràsta na thàmh ri linn iarrtas airson ath-sgrùdadh laghail, tha Annabel NicIllfhinnein ag aithris.

Tha beachd ann gun do rinn a’ Ghearmailt nas fhèarr gus dèiligeadh ri Covid-19 na mòran dhùthchanan eile – an Rìoghachd Aonaichte nam measg. Dh’fhaodadh gur e na thathas a’ cosg air slàinte an sin agus an àireamh mhòr de leabannan ICU is coireach. Ach tha cuid a’ rabhadh gu bheil e ro thràth coimeas dhe leithid a dhèanamh mus bi am pandemic seachad. Tha Andreas Wolff ag aithris à Berlin.

Plans to build a space port on the Moine Peninsula in Sutherland have proven to be controversial. For some it’s an opportunity to revive dwindling communities but others fear potential environmental consequences. With the project currently at a standstill due to a request for a judicial review, Annabel Maclennan investigates.

Some say Germany has dealt with Covid-19 in a better way than many other countries – including the UK. The number of deaths is far lower. A higher than European average expenditure on health and the highest number of ICU beds in Europe could be among the reasons. Butsome warn that it is too early to draw comparisons of this kind before the pandemic is over. Andreas Wolff reports from Berlin.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

29 minutes


Tha planaichean airson port-fànais a thogail air Rubha na Mòine ann an Cataibh air connspaid adhbharachadh. Do chuid, 's e cothrom a th' ann coimhearsnachdan na sgìre ath-bheothachadh ach tha eagal air cuid eile gun toir leasachadh den t-seòrsa seo droch bhuaidh air an àrainneachd. Leis a' phròiseact an-dràsta na thàmh ri linn ath-sgrùdadh laghail, tha Annabel NicIllFhinnein a' toirt sùil air an deasbad.

Space port

Space port
Plans to build a space port on the Moine Peninsula in Sutherland have proven to be controversial. Some see it as an opportunity to revive dwindling communities. Others fear the potential environmental consequences will outweigh any benefits. With the project currently at a standstill due to a judicial review, Annabel Maclennan investigates the debate.

Covid-19 sa Ghearmailt

Covid-19 sa Ghearmailt
Tha beachd ann gun do rinn a' Ghearmailt nas fheàrr gus dèiligeadh ri Covid-19 na mòran dhùthchannan eile - an Rìoghachd Aonaichte nam measg. Tha na h-àireamhan bàis gu math nas ìsle aca. Dh'fhaodadh gur e mar a tha a' Ghearmailt a' cosg barrachd air slàinte na dùthchannan ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ch sa chumantas agus gu bheil barrachd leabannan ICU aca na th' aig dùthaich ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ch sam bith eile am measg nan adhbharan. Ach tha cuid a' toirt rabhadh seachad gu bheil e ro thràth coimeas dhe leithid a dhèanamh mus bi am pandemic seachad.

Covid-19 in Germany

Covid-19 in Germany
Some say Germany has dealt with Covid-19 more successfully than many other countries - including the UK. The number of deaths is far lower. A higher than European average expenditure on health and the highest number of ICU beds in Europe could be among the reasons. But some warn that it is too early to draw comparisons of this kind before the pandemic is over. Andreas Wolff reports from Berlin.


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