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‘S e Madadh-cuain a tha a' còmhradh rinn an-diugh. It’s an Orca who speaks to us today.

Chan e muc-mhara a th’ann am Madadh-cuain, ged a tha sinne a' smaoineachadh gur e – ‘s e th’ annta ach leumadairean-fairge. Tha gairm sònraichte aca airson ‘s gun aithnich iad càch a chèile.

The Orca isn’t a Killer Whale as some people like to call them. It’s an Oceanic Dolphin, otherwise known as an Orca, which has its own special call so they can recognise one another.

2 days left to watch

2 minutes


Role Contributor
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Editor Phil Reed
Writer Ishbel Maclean


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