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Tha na seòid a’ cleachdadh mustard ann an reasabaidhean eadar-dhealaichte. The lads use mustard in a variety of recipes.

Tha na seòid a’ cleachdadh mustard eadar-dhealaichte gus truinnsearan inntinneach a chruthachadh. Tha ùidh aig Ruairidh ann am mustard a tha ga dhèanamh sna Hearadh agus ag iarraidh air Ùisdean reòiteag a dhèanamh leis! Tha Ùisdean a’ toirt sùil air ais air reasabaidh traidiseanta airson slios feòla le mustard, air a ghabhail le buntàta Hasselback Ruairidh. Tha Ruairidh cuideachd ag ullachadh Cearc Supreme agus a’ cur crìoch air a’ phrògram le Carpaccio Bhiotais.

The lads use different mustards to make a variety of dishes. Ruaridh is inspired by a Harris-made mustard and asks Uisdean to make ice cream, using the mustard! Uisdean looks back at a traditional recipe for Flank with mustard, accompanied by Ruaridh’s Hasselback potatoes. Ruairidh also prepares a classic, Chicken Supreme, and finishes off the episode with a Beetroot Carpaccio.

In Gaelic with English subtitles




Glasraich airson an t-slios a ròstadh
1 leigeas, air a ghearradh
1 curran mòr, air a ghearradh
6 clòbhan creamh, slàn
1 uinnean mòr, air a ghearradh
Ola glasraich
Piobar dubh

  • Cuir an glasraich ann an tiona ròstaidh agus cuir druthag dhen ola orra, gan còmhdach.
  • Seàsan le salann agus piobar
  • Cuir an tiona ròstaidh air an stòbha gus a’ ghlasraich a dhathadh beagan, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach steig iad ris a’ bhonn.

Slios air a roileadh
1 slios feòil-uain, cnàmhan air a thoirt às agus geir air a thoirt dheth
Pùdar mustard Sasannach, air mheasgachadh le uisge
Gloinne fìon geal
Ola glasraich
Geug ròs-Mhoire

  • Cuir an t-slios ann ann an tiona-ròstaidh.
  • Còmhdaich an t-slios gu math leis a’ mhustard.
  • Seàsan le salann agus piobar.
  • Rolaig an t-slios air an taobh fhada, ga cheangal le streang agus cuir an ròs-Moire fon t-streang.
  • Cuir an fheòil dhan tiona ròstaidh leis a’ ghlasraich agus cuir an fhìon gheal ris.
  • Cuir dhan an àmhainn a chaidh a theasachadh ro-làimh.
  • Ròst aig 150C airson timcheall air 3 uairean a thìde.


Vegetables for roasting flank
1 leek, roughly chopped
1 large carrot, roughly chopped
6 whole cloves of garlic
1 large onion, roughly chopped
Vegetable oil
Black pepper

  • Put the vegetables in a roasting tin and drizzle with oil, coating them well.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Place the roasting tin on a hot hob and fry to brown and caramelise, making sure the vegetables don’t stick to the bottom of the roasting tin.

Rolled flank
1 lamb flank, boned and fat removed
English mustard powder, mixed with water
Glass white wine
Vegetable oil
Sprig rosemary
Glass white wine

  • Lay the flank on a roasting tin.
  • Generously spread the mustard onto the flank.
  • Season with salt and black pepper.
  • Roll the flank lengthways, tying with string and place the rosemary under the string.
  • Place the flank in the roasting tin that you’ve roasted the vegetables in.
  • Place the flank on top of the vegetables and add the white wine.
  • Transfer to a pre-heated oven.
  • Roast at 150c for approximately 3 hours.


800g buntàta ùr
2 spàinn-mhòr ola glasraich no ola chroinn-ola
40g ìm
Geug ròs-Mhoire
Salann & piobar

Nigh am buntàta ach fàg an craiceann orra
Geàrr slisean anns gach buntàta tòrr thursan, a’ cumail a’ bhuntàta ann an spàinn fhad ’s a thathar gan gearradh le sgian gheur. Dèan cinnteach nach geàrr thu tron bhuntàta air fad.
Leagh an t-ìm agus an ola ann an tiona ròstaidh aig teas meadhanach air an stòbha. Cuir am buntàta dhan an tiona agus seàsan le pailteas salainn agus piobair. Cuir an ròs-Moire ris cuideachd.
Dèan cinnteach gu bheil am buntàta air an deagh chòmhdach.
Ròst iad air an sgeilp as ìsle dhen àmhainn aig 200C/180C airson 45 mionaidean – 1 uair a thìde gus a bheil dath òir orra agus iad bog.


800g new potatoes
2 tbsp vegetable or olive oil
40g butter
Sprig rosemary
Salt & pepper

  • Wash the potatoes but leave the skins on.
  • Score each potato a few times, holding the potato in a spoon whilst scoring it with a sharp knife. Make sure not to cut right through the potatoes.
  • Put the butter and oil in a roasting tin over a medium heat to melt the butter. Tip in the potatoes, season with plenty salt and pepper, and add the rosemary.
  • Give the potatoes a good toss so they’re coated.
  • Roast on the bottom shelf of the oven at 200C/180C fan for 45 mins-1 hour, until golden and tender.


2 chearc supreme, leis a’ chraiceann orra
150g sgalaidean / uinnean dearg, air a ghearradh
2 stob seilearaidh, air an gearradh
200g balgain-buachair cnò-gheanmnaidh, air an gearradh
25g ìm
2 spàinn-mhòr flùr
100ml crème fraiche
2 spàinn-mhòr mustard slàn-ghràin
2 spàinn-mhòr mustard Dijon
400ml stoc circe
3 spàinn-mhòr ola
200ml fìon geal tioram
2 spàinn-mhòr crème fraiche
Geug lus an rìgh
Piobar dubh

  • Cuir na balgain-buachair ann am bobhla ann am bogadh leis an uisge-bheatha.
  • Seàsan a’ chearc le salann agus piobar.
  • Teasaich an ola ann am pana agus praidhig a’ chearc air taobh a’ chraicinn gus an tòisich dath òir/donn a’ tighinn orra.
  • Bruich airson mionaid no dhà gus an tig dath air a’ chraiceann agus fàg gu aon taobh e.
  • Cuir na h-uinneanan, an seilearaidh, na balgain-buachair, an duilleag-labhrais agus lus an rìgh dhan aon phana agus praidhig gus an tig dath orra agus gus an tèid an deoch làidir a bhruich.
  • Cuir an t-ìm ris.
  • Nuair a tha an t-ìm air leaghadh, cuir am flùr ris agus measgaich gus roux a dhèanamh.
  • Cuir am fìon, an stoc, am mustard Dijon agus am mustard slàn-ghràin ris agus cuir air ais air an teas e gus am fàs e nas tìghe.
  • Cuir a’ chearc air ais dhan phana.
  • Fàg airson 20 mionaid aig ìre-gòil ìseal le mullach air a’ phana.
  • Thoir a’ chearc às a’ phana agus measgaich an crème fraiche dhan an t-sabhs gus a dhèanamh nas tìghe.
  • Gabh le buntàta sauté.

Buntàta Sautè

  • Thoir leth-bhruich air buntàta ùr.
  • Praidhig ann am pana le ìm agus ola.
  • Cuir ròs-Moire agus clòbhan slàn de chreamh ris.


2 chicken supreme, with skin on
150g shallots/red onions, roughly chopped
2 sticks of celery, roughly chopped
200g chestnut mushrooms, roughly chopp
25g butter
2 tbsp flour
100ml crème fraiche
2 tbsp whole grain mustard
2 tbsp Djon mustard
400ml chicken stock
3 tbsp oil
200ml dry white wine
2 tbsp crème fraiche
Sprig of thyme
Bay leaf
Black pepper

  • Put mushrooms in a bowl and soak them in whisky.
  • Season chicken with salt and pepper.
  • Heat oil in a pan and brown the chicken, skin side down first.
  • Cook for a few minutes until the skin browns and set aside.
  • Put the onions, celery, mushrooms, bay leaf & thyme into the same pan and fry until browned and the alcohol in the whisky has cooked out.
  • Add the butter.
  • When the butter melts, add the flour and stir to form a roux.
  • Add the wine, stock, Djon mustard and wholegrain mustard and return to the heat until it thickens.
  • Return the chicken to the pan.
  • Leave to simmer for 20 minutes with the lid on the pan.
  • Remove the chicken from the pan and stir through crème fraiche to thicken the sauce.
  • Serve with sautéed potatoes.

Sautee Potatoes

  • Par boil new potatoes.
  • Fry in a pan with butter & oil.
  • Add rosemary and whole garlic cloves.


Pastraidh-puff às a’ bhùth
2 bhalgan-buachair, air an gearradh gu mìn
½ piobar dearg, air a ghearradh gu mìn
½ piobar uaine, air a ghearradh gu mìn
4 tomàtothan beaga, slàn
1 ugh, air a bhualadh
1 clòbha creamh, air a shliseadh gu mìn
1 uinnean dearg, air a shliseadh gu mìn
Ola airson praidhigeadh

  • Airson na ceasaichean
  • Roilig am pastraidh gus a bheil e timcheall air 4mm de thighead, air an gearradh gu cruinn. Geàrr na dh’fheumar. Geàrr toll am meadhan leth dhiubh gus fàinneachan a chruthachadh.
  • Cuir leth dhen na cearcaill air trèidhe le pàipear-fuine.
  • Bruisig oirean nan cearcaill leis an ugh.
  • Cuir na fàinneachean air muin na cearcaill agus dèan pàtrain timcheall na h-oirean le forc agus bruising leis an ugh.
  • Cuir dhan àmhainn aig teas 200C/180C àmhainn fan, airson 15-20 mionaidean no gus a bheil iad air èirigh agus dath òir orra.
  • Nuair a tha iad air fuarachadh, lìon na ceasaichean leis an lìonadh ghlasraich.

Airson an lìonadh ghlasraich.

  • Praidhig gritheidean an lìonaidh le beagan ola ann am pana.


Ready made puff pastry
2 mushrooms, finely chopped
½ red pepper, finely chopped
½ green pepper, finely chopped
4 cherry tomatoes, whole
1 beaten egg
1 clove garlic, finely sliced
1 red onion, finely sliced
Oil for frying

  • For the cases
  • Roll out the pastry to approximately 4mm thickness. cut into rounds. Cut as many rounds as you need. Cut a hole in half the amount of rounds you have, to form rings.
  • Lay half your rounds on a baking tray that you have lined with parchment paper.
  • Brush the edges of the whole rounds with the egg wash.
  • Place the pastry rings on top of the rounds and crimp them with a fork and brush with egg wash.
  • Place in the oven at 200c/180c fan oven, for 15 – 20 minutes. Until they have risen and have turned golden.
  • When they have cooled, fill the cases with the vegetable filling.

For the filling

  • Fry the filling ingredients with a little oil, in a pan.


Biatas air a bhruich, air a shliseadh gu mìn
Cnothan-giuthais ròsta
Càise feta, na chriomagan
Duilleagan biolaireach
Duilleagan rocaid


Cooked beetroot, finely sliced
Roasted pine nuts
Feta cheese, crumbed
Watercress leaves
Rocket leaves


1 spàinn-bheag mustard slàn-ghràin
1 spàinn-bheag mustard Dijon
1 spàinn-bheag mil
Druthag sùgh liomaid
Druthag fìon-gheur

  • Measgaich na gritheidean gu lèir gus vinaigrette a dhèanamh.


1 tsp whole grain mustard
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp honey
Squeeze lemon juice
Dash vinegar

  • Mix them all together to form a vinaigrette.


250ml bainne
125ml uachdar dùbailte
2 bhuidheagan
2 spàinn-bheag mil
½ spàinn-bheag stalc-arbhair
125g mustard Sweet Delight
50g mustard Bonnie Wholegrain
1 spàinn-bheag Tabasco no sabhs teth sam bith eile
1 spàinn-bheag sabhs tiolaidh milis
Salann, piobar

  • Cuir na buidheagain ann am bobhla agus measgaich leis an stalc-arbhair.
  • Cuir am bobhla air muin pana le uisge teth air an stòbha agus cùm a’ dol le bhith a’ measgachadh a’ bhuidheagain.
  • Cuir am bainne ris, beag air bheag, cuide ris an uachdar dùbailte agus am mil. Measgaich am bainne, an t-uachdar agus am mil gus am fàs e nas tìghe, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach tig e chun a’ ghoil.
  • Cuir am mustard ris beag air bheag agus cùm a’ dol le bhith ga mheasgachadh.
  • Cuir an Tabasco agus an t-sabhs tiolaidh teth ris agus measgaich.
  • Leig leis a’ bhobhla fuarachadh ann an amar de dh’uisge fuar agus deigh.
  • Nuair a tha e air fuarachadh, cuir na tha san bhobhla ann an inneal-reòiteig agus leig leis reothadh.
  • Às aonais inneal reòiteig, cuir na tha sa bhobhla ann am bobhla mòr le mullach agus cuir dhan reothadair. Measgaich gu math gus a bheil an t-uachdar reòite air measgachadh leis an lionnach. Cuir air ais dhan reothadair agus dèan seo turas no dhà, no trì, gus a bheil coltas uachdarach air an reòiteag. Dh’fhaodadh gun toir seo trì no ceithir uairean a thìde.
  • Gabh e sa bhad no cuir ann am bucas, le pàipear-fuine air a mhuin agus mullach teann, agus reòth airson trì no ceithir làithean aig a’ char as fhaide.


250 ml milk
125 ml double cream
2 egg yolks
2 tsp honey
½ tsp cornflour
125 g Sweet Delight mustard
50 g Bonnie Wholegrain mustard
1 tsp Tabasco or any hot sauce
1 tsp sweet chili sauce
Salt, Pepper

  • Place the egg yolk in a bowl and mix whisk in the cornflour.
  • Place the bowl over a pan hot water, on the hob, continue to whisk the egg yolk.
  • Add the milk, gradually, along with the cream and honey. Stir the milk, cream and honey to until it thickens, making sure it does not come to the boil.
  • Add the mustard gradually and continue to stir.
  • Add the Tabasco and hot chilli sauce and stir through.
  • Cool the mixture over a cold water bath with ice.
  • When it has cooled, transfer to the ice cream maker and allow to freeze.
  • Without an ice maker pour the prepared cream into a large bowl with lid and place in the freezer. Stir thoroughly until the frozen mixture has mixed with the liquid mass. Put it back in the freezer and repeat the process two or three times until the ice cream is creamy. Depending on the type and quantity, this can take three to four hours.
  • Serve immediately or fill in an airtight form, cover with parchment and freeze maximum three or four days.

Role Contributor
Presenter Uisdean Macleod
Presenter Roddy Munro
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
Production Manager Mairi Macleod
Producer Kenneth Stewart