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Owl wants to enter a drawing contest, but fearing his work is not good enough, he throws it away. Fox brings the discarded drawing to Hare and they decide to send it in secretly.

Tha Comhachag air dealbh a tharraing airson pàirt a ghabhail ann am farpais ach, chan eil e an dùil gu bheil e math gu leòr ’s tha e ga chaith air falbh. Ge-tà, tha Sionnach ga lorg, agus tha e fhèin is Maigheach a’ cur an dealbh dhan fharpais gun fhiosta do Chomhachag. Leis a sin chan e briseadh dùil a bhios ann mur a buannaich e. Feumaidh iad seo uile a chumail dìomhair gus am faigh iad fios air ais. Abair dùbhlan!

Owl wants to enter a drawing contest, but fearing his work is not good enough, he throws it away. Fox brings the discarded drawing to Hare and they decide to send it in secretly. This way Owl won't be disappointed if he doesn't win. They just need to keep it a secret until the news arrives. But this proves to be a big challenge.

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Linda MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions