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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 4

Tha Sweeny a’ gabhail sgrìob a dh’ Inbhir Pheofharain gus caoraich a reic. Sweeny goes to sell some sheep at the Dingwall Mart.

Tha Dòmhnall MacSuain no Sweeny mar as fheàrr a dh’ aithnichear e air ais le na naidheachdan as ùire bhon lot ann an Nis ’s sinn ga leantainn tro gheamhradh an-uiridh suas gu mìosan an t-samhraidh. Tha dùbhlain eadar-dhealaichte a’ nochdadh gach bliadhna, ach chan eil stad a’ tighinn air obair bunaiteach na lot.

Anns a’ phrògram mu dheireadh san t-sreath, tha Sweeny a’ falbh air turas gu muileann anns An Todhar, is e ag ionnsachadh mu dè tha dol dhan bhiadh a tha e a’ toirt dha na beathaichean aige, agus tha iad cuideachd ga chur a dh’ obair! Chan eil an aimsir ro chàilear airson àm breith nan uan, le sneachda mòr a’ tighinn is e fada fo ìre reothaidh, tha e air bhioran geama ball-coise a chluich còmhla ri sgioba Nis airson a’ chiad turas ann an dà bhliadhna agus tha e cuideachd a’ gabhail sgrìob a dh’ Inbhir Pheofharain gus caoraich a reic, far a bheil na prìsean a tha e a’ faighinn a’ cur iongnadh mòr air!

Tha An Lot a’ toirt sealladh fìor tro na ràithean air beatha chroitear, èasgaidh stèidhichte ann am fìor Cheann a Tuath Eilean Leòdhais.

Donald Macsween, or Sweeny as he is best known, is back with the latest news from his croft in Ness, as we follow him from the winter of last year right through to the summer months. Every year poses its own challenges, but the daily work on the croft never stops.

Sweeny takes a trip to a mill in Tore to learn about what goes into the food that he gives his animals and whilst he is there, they put him to work, getting him involved in the process.

The weather comes as a shock at lambing time with snow arriving and temperatures well below freezing. Sweeny is excited to play his first game of football with the Ness team after a two-year break, and he goes to sell some sheep at the Dingwall Mart, where the prices he gets really surprise him!

An Lot gives a true representation of the life of an enthusiastic, hard-working crofter through the seasons in the northernmost community of the Isle of Lewis.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

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Role Contributor
Presenter Donald MacSween
