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Owl comes across an abandoned egg on his walk through the forest.

Tha Tosg a’ cluich ping-pong na aghaidh fhèin agus tha e a’ sìor chall bhuill. Air a shlighe tron choille, tha Comhachag a’ tighinn tarsainn air ugh, agus tha e ga thoirt leis dhachaigh airson a chumail sàbhailte. Nuair a thèid e fhèin, Sionnach is Maigheach a choimhead airson pàrantan an uighe, tha iad a’ coinneachadh ri Tosg a tha trang a’ coimhead air son buill ping-pong. Saoil a bheil ceangal eadar an dà shuidheachadh seo?

Tusk plays a ping-pong game against himself, but keeps losing the balls, while Owl comes across an abandoned egg on his walk through the forest. He takes it home to keep it safe. When Fox and Hare help Owl to scour the forest for the egg’s parents they run into Tusk, who is looking for his ping-pong balls. Could both incidents be related?

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Linda MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions