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The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Episode 1 of 4

Cathy MacDonald celebrates Muriel Spark’s classic, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’ moladh sàr-sgeul ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ le Muriel Spark.

Jean Brodie is Scottish writer Muriel Spark’s most famous creation - the fictional teacher in a novel that has also been adapted for stage, screen and television. Cathy MacDonald reveals how Spark used her experience of Edinburgh between the wars, the rise of fascism, her own schooldays and an inspirational teacher to shape one of the great novels of the 20th century.

Spark was educated at James Gillespie’s School for Girls – made famous (or perhaps infamous!) in her novel as the Marcia Blane School. It was there that Spark fell under the influence of teacher Christina Kay. Spark would later refer to Miss Kay ‘a character in search of an author’ and based Jean Brodie on her. Miss Kay encouraged her young pupil to write – and inspired Miss Brodie’s famous line, ‘Give me a girl at an impressionable age and she is mine for life.’

’S i Brodie obair cho cliùiteach ’s a sgrìobh an t- Albannach Muriel Spark-mu neach-teagaisg ficseanach ann an nobhail leasaichte son àrd-ùrlar, sgrìn neo telebhisean. Tha Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’mìneachadh na chleachd Spark gus aon de na nobhailean as fheàrr san 20mh linn ullachadh - b’iad a h-eòlas mu Dhùn Èideann eadar na cogaidhean, faististeach a’dol am meud, a làithean-sgoile agus neach-teagaisg misneachail.

Chaidh Spark gu Sgoil Chaileagan Sheumais Gilleasbuig, ainmeil ( neo fiù’s neo-ainmeil!) san nobhail mar Sgoil Marcia Blane. B’ann innte a bhuannaich Spark bho theagaisg Cairistìona Kay. Thuig Spark gur i ‘neach airidh air sgrìobhadair’ agus sann oirre a stèidhich i caractar Jean Brodie. Gu cinnteach mhisnich Miss Kay Muriel gu deagh sgrìobhadh agus ’s i a bhrosnaich abairt ainmeil Miss Brodie ‘Thoir dhòmhsa caileag aig aois dhrùidhteach agus sann leamsa i gu sìorraidh.’

Contributors include:

Annie Cheape – television producer/director.
Màiri Kidd – writer.
Donald J MacDonald – Head Teacher, James Gillespie’s High School.
Dr Peter Mackay – lecturer in Department of English, University of St Andrews.
Patsi Mackenzie – television producer & presenter.
Dolina MacLennan – actor, singer & writer.
Rosemary Ward, Scottish Book Trust.
Olga Wojtas – Writer.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Cathy MacDonald
Narrator Jenny Dunbar
Editor Marion Macdonald
Production Manager Sajid Quayum
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
Producer Faye MacLean
Director Les Wilson
