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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 2

Canna lies off the coast of Skye in a cluster of islands known as the Small Isles. But with only 15 residents and difficult access to the mainland, Canna is a fragile community.

Tha Canaigh air a’ shuidheachadh ann an cròileanach de cheithir eileannan ris an canar Na h-Eileannan Beag. Chan eil ach coig duine deug a’ còmhnaidh air Canaigh, agus tha iad a’ crochadh gu mòr ri seirbheis a’ bhat-aiseig airson am bith-beò.

Tha sinn a’ cur seachad geamhradh an cuid a choimhearsnachd airson faighinn a-mach cò ris a tha am beatha coltach agus nan dùbhlain a tha romhpa, o aimsir gu tuathanachas.

Tha Taigh Chanaigh dùinte airson ath-nuadhachadh ach gheibh sinn sùil mu chuairt an taobh a-staigh a bha na dhachaigh dha Iain Lathurna Caimbeul agus Mairead Fay Shaw.

Agus, tha na h-eileanaich air bhioran is Anna Rothach a’ pòsadh as t-earrach. Tha còir air deich bliadhna bho bha banais aig muinntir a choimhearsnachd fhèin air Canaigh agus tha an coimhearsnachd air fad air cuireadh fhaighinn. Sgeul blàth mu bheatha coimhearsnachd cugallach aig a bheil dlùth-cheangal ri chèile.

Canna lies about 25 miles southwest off the coast of Skye in a cluster of four islands known as the Small Isles. But with only 15 residents and with the lack of easy access to the mainland, Canna is a fragile community. We spend a winter with the residents to find out what life is like for them and how they cope with the challenges island life throws at them, from weather to farming.

Canna House is closed for renovations but we get a look inside what was home to John Lorne Campbell and Margaret Fay Shaw, now owned by NTS. And the islanders are excited as resident Anna Rothach is getting married in spring - the first time in 10 years since a resident got married on the island, and the whole community is invited to help the newlyweds celebrate.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

59 minutes

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Role Contributor
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron
Producer Patricia Macleod
Director Scott Brown
Editor Jonny Craigmile
