Episode 5
Giant cracks have been appearing in thousands of buildings in the west of Ireland as a result of the concrete blocks used in their construction. Andreas Wolff reports.
Tha sgà inidhean mòra air nochdadh ann an taighean air taobh siar na h-Èireann ri lìnn na blocaichean concrait a chaidh a chleachdadh anns na mìltean de thoglaichean air feadh na dùthcha. Mar a tha Andreas Wolff ag aithris, ‘s e gu bheil cus den mhèinneil mica annta is coireach agus tha luchd iomairt a’ strì airson airgead-dìolaidh agus iad cuid a ’ fuireach ann an taighean a tha a-nis ann an cunnart tuiteam.
Tha a dhà uidhir de dhaoine a’ fulang bochdainn connaidh ann an sgìrean dùthchail na ann an sgìrean eile de dh’Alba. Leis a’ gheamhradh air tighinn agus prìsean connaidh ag èirigh, tha Annabel NicIllFhinnein ann an Cataibh is Gallaibh a’ faighneachd de a’ bhuaidh a bhios aige seo air daoine an sin.
Giant cracks have been appearing in thousands of buildings in the west of Ireland as a result of the concrete blocks used in their construction. As Andreas Wolff reports, the cause is the excessive presence of the mineral mica in the blocks and campaigners are demanding 100% compensation for homes that are now in danger of collapsing.
People living in rural areas are twice as likely to experience fuel poverty as other areas of Scotland. With the arrival of winter and rising fuel prices, Annabel Maclennan is Caithness and Sutherland to assess the scale of the problem.
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Bochdainn connaidh

Fuel poverty

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