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Episode 7

Annabel Maclennan investigates the impact on communities in the Shetland Islands as the famous Up Helly Aa festivals are cancelled for a second year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ann an Sealtainn a’ rannsachadh buaidh a’ phandemic air fèisean ainmeil Up Helly Aa a bhiodh a’ toirt muinntir nan eilean còmhla eadar an Fhaoilleach agus a’ Mhàrt gach bliadhna. Leis na fèisean air an cuir dheth airson na dàrna bliadhna ri linn Covid, tha Annabel NicIllFhinnein a’ rannsachadh a’ bhuaidh aige seo air cor nan coimhearsnachdan.

·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ is in Shetland looking at the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the islands’ famous Up Helly Aa festivals which bring Shetlanders together each year between January and March. With activites suspended for the second year due to Covid, Annabel Maclennan investigates the impact on communities.

Andreas Wolff is in Belfast looking at Irish language education in the city 50 years after the first Gaelscoil opened. Traditionally, it was members of the Nationalist community who learnt the language but in recent years it has seen an increase in interest from the Unionist community. There is now uncertainty with the delay in the introduction of a long-planned Irish Language Act.

29 minutes

Foghlam tro mheadhan na Gaeilge

Foghlam tro mheadhan na Gaeilge
Tha 50 bliadhna bhon a dh'fhosgail a' chiad Gaelscoil an Èirinn a Tuath: Bun-Sgoil Phobail Feirste. Aig an àm bha foghlam tro mheadhan na Gaeilge mì-laghail san sgìre. Ach an-diugh bidh 7000 duine cloinne a' dol gu sgoiltean tro mheadhan a' chànain ann an Èirinn a Tuath. Gu traidiseanta b' iad nàiseantaich a bhiodh ag ionnsachadh na Gaeilge, ach tha barrachd is barrachd ùidh aig luchd an aonaidh innte cuideachd. Aig sgoil air taobh sear a' bhaile, sgìre far a bheil luchd an aonaidh a' fuireach, tha iad a' clàradh mu 300 inbheach gach bliadhna sna clasaichean Gaeilge aca. Ach dar a dh'fheuch iad ri sgoil-àraich fhosgladh faisg air làimhe nochd gràin air loidhne is b' fheudar dhaibh gluasad gu làrach eile. Aig an aon àm thathar fhathast a' feitheamh airson Achd na Gaeilge a chaidh aontachadh leis a h-uile partaidh poileatagach ann an 2006. Tha an DUP, prìomh phartaidh luchd an aonaidh, a' cur stad air agus iad mì-thoilichte mu chrìoch chusbain ann an Sruth na Maoile às dèidh Bhrexit. Ged a gheall Rùnaire Èirinn a Tuath, Brandon Lewis, lagh na Gaeilge a chur tro Westminster san Dàmhair, cha do thachair sin.

Irish medium education

Irish medium education
The first Irish medium school in Northern Ireland opened 50 years ago. At the time education in the language was against the law. But today 7000 children are attending Irish-medium schools in Northern Ireland. Traditionally Irish was learned by nationalists, but increasingly unionists are interested in the language, too. A school in unionist East Belfast they register around 300 adults in their Irish classes every year. But when they tried to open up an Irish medium nursery nearby an online hate campaign meant they had to move to a different location. At the same time an Irish Language Act which all political parties agreed on in 2006 has still not materialised. The DUP, the main unionist party, are blocking the legislation because they are unhappy about the customs border in the Irish Sea after Brexit. Although the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Brandon Lewis, promised to legislate in Westminster in October, this didn’t happen.

Up Helly Aa

Up Helly Aa
Tro mhìosan a' gheamhraidh, 's àbhaist do mhòran ann an Sealtainn a bhith trang ag ullachadh airson fèisean Up Helly Aa. Chan eil càil dhan sin air a bhith a' tachairt bhon a thòisich am pandemic ge-tà agus chan eil fhios fhathast cuin a thilleas Up Helly Aa a Shealtainn. 'S e fèis Lerwick a tha ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghail ach tha dusan fèis ann uile gu lèir. Bithear gan cumail ann an coimhearsnachdan air feadh nan eilean, gach bliadhna, eadar am Faoilleach agus am Màrt. Leis gur e glè bheag de sholas an latha a thathas a' faighinn anns na h-eileanan seo ann an teis-meadhan a' gheamhraidh, tha obair ullachaidh nam fèisean cudromach dha-rìribh do dhaoine fa leth agus do choimhearsnachdan nan eilean. Le dàil eile ga chur air fèisean na h-ath-bhliadhna, tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ann an Sealtainn a' rannsachadh a' bhuaidh a tha seo air a thoirt air coimhearsnachdan an sin.

Up Helly Aa

Up Helly Aa
During the winter months, many Shetlanders are usually busy preparing for the Up Helly Aa festivals. Last year, that all came to a standstill with the onset of the pandemic and there is still uncertainty surrounding when Up Helly Aa will be held in Shetland again. Lerwick's festival is famous all over the world but there are 12 festivals altogether. They are held annually in communities throughout the islands, between the months of January and March. In the middle of winter, the daylight hours are short in Shetland and the preparations involved in Up Helly Aa are vital for individuals and communities. With the festivals delayed once again, ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ investigates the impact this has had on Shetland's communities.


Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Naidheachdan

Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Naidheachdan

Naidheachdan agus fiosrachadh sa Ghàidhlig bhon a' BhBC
