Episode 8
Ramsay explores Deeside and the Cairngorms for the weekend. Tha Ramsay a’ siubhal gu Oir Dhè agus am Monadh Ruadh ‘son an deireadh sheachdain.
Ramsay MacMahon is a firm believer in escaping the city at the weekend and heading off on an adventure in the wilds of Scotland. In this episode, he leaves the hustle and bustle behind him and travels to Deeside and the Cairngorms, seeking out its natural hidden gems.
Arriving in Deeside, there is no better place for Ramsay to start his adventure than in the River Dee itself, trying his hand at white-water SUP boarding. Still on an adrenaline high, he then follows the river into the Cairngorms where he stays in a cosy bothy for the night.
Ready for more exploring the next day, Ramsay travels up the Lecht, one of Scotland’s highest roads, stopping off to discover an intriguing sculpture and an old mine site. Finally he takes advantage of the dark winter nights, spending the evening stargazing with a local dark skies and astronomy enthusiast.
Tha Ramsay MacMahon gu là idir den bheachd gum bu chòir am baile a thrèigsinn aig an deireadh-sheachdain agus saoghal nas beòthaile a’ lorg air an dùthaich. An-diugh tha e cuir cùl ri gleadhraich nan srà id agus a’ falbh gu Oir Dhè agus am Monadh Ruadh, feuch dè na h-ulaidhean a tha roimhe.
Cà ite a b’ fheà rr a b’ urrainn dha tòiseachadh air a thurus ach ann an Abhainn Dhè fhèin, air bòrd, a’ strì le neart an t-sruth. A chridhe fhathast a’ bualadh bras, tha e a’ leantail na h-aibhne dhan Mhonadh Ruadh, gu bothag bhlà th airson na h-oidhche.
An ath latha dìridh e rathad na Lice, slighe cho à rd sa tha an Alba, a’ stad corra uair a choimhead obair-ealain inntinneach, agus seann mhèinn iarainn.
Agus mu dheireadh, tha dorchadas na h-oidhche gheamhraidh na bhuannachd dha, a’ coimhead nan rionnag le eòlaiche iarmailt a mhìnicheas ainmean nan reultan dha.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
Tuilleadh bhogsaichean buidhe, mas e ur toil e!
Duration: 01:37
Duration: 01:39
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ramsay MacMahon |
Production Manager | Sajid Quayum |
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