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The mermaid takes in the Atlantic waters of St Kilda and hopes to encounter sea creatures.

Tha a’ mhaighdeann-mhàra às na h-Eileanan an Iar a’ dèanamh air na h-uisgeachan timcheall nan Eileanan Albannach le turas iongantach a Hiort. Bheir Kate an luchd-amhairc air cuairt mhìorbhaileach chun a’ cheàrnaidh as fhaide an iar, tro mhuir fhiadhaich a’ Chuain Shiair gu uamhan drùidhteach agus stacan cas. Tha sinn a’ leantainn Kate agus a h-athair, Murray, a tha na sgiobair agus iad a’ rannsachadh eileanan Hiort, Boraraigh, An Dùn agus Soaigh os cionn agus fon an uisge, le dòchas mucan-mhara, leumadairean agus creutairean mara eile fhaicinn timcheall muir domhainn nan eileanan iomallach seo.

Bidh i a’ sreap Boraraigh, nì nach eil mòran air a dhèanamh bho chaidh daoine fhuadachadh ann an 1930 – an sin, coinnichidh i ri caoraich fiadhaich dubh cheannach a tha càirdeach dhan treud a chaidh fhàgail le na Hiortaich. Le bhith a’ rannsachadh nan togalaichean agus nan tobhtaichean, bidh Kate a’ faighinn tuigse air an fhianais a chaidh fhàgail le na daoine a bha fuireach an sin. Seallaidh an àrc-eòlaiche Iain McHardy eisimpleirean de na taighean dha Kate, nam measg Tigh an t-Sìthiche agus Taigh Chaluim.

Fhad ’s a tha Kate a’ flodradh anns a’ chaidheag seachad air Stac Lì, tha an t-adhar a’ tighinn beò le Sùlairean a’ Chinn a Tuath os a cionn, a’ taisbeanadh nàdar, a chaidh a ghlacadh leis an fhear camara, Jim Hope, a tha cuideachd stèidhichte sna h-Eileanan an Iar. Coinnichidh Kate ris an eag-eòlaiche Conor McKinnney a tha an-dràsta a’ fuireach air Hiort agus a tha a’ coimhead as dèidh nan luchan Hiortach. Còmhla tha iad a’ toirt sùil air na h-innealan-glacaidh luchan agus ag ionnsachadh mu na beathaichean seo a tha gu math nas eadar-dhealaichte bho na càirdean aca air tir mòr.

Prògram le deabhan àlainn a tha a’ toirt an luchd-amhairc gu àrainneachd nach eil air a rannsachadh tric. Tro shùilean fìor mhaighdeann-mhara, tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu na h-eileanan sònraichte seo air oir an t-saoghail.

The Hebridean Mermaid continues her adventures around the waters of the Scottish islands with an epic journey to St Kilda. Taking in the wild Atlantic waters, dramatic sea caves and sheer sea stacks, Kate takes the audience on an awe-inspiring journey to Scotland’s most westerly outpost.

Exploring the islands of Hirta, Dùn, Boreray and Soay above and below the water, we follow Kate and her sea skipper father, Murray, as they hope to encounter whales, dolphins and other creatures in the deep waters surrounding this remote archipelago. She climbs Boreray, a feat that very few have managed since the evacuation in 1930, and encounters the feral black face sheep that are descended of the flock left by the Hiortaich. By exploring the buildings and ruins, Kate begins to understand the evidence left by centuries of occupation. Archaeologist Ian McHardy shows Kate examples of subterranean houses including Tigh an t-Sithiche and Calum’s House.

As Kate paddles by Stac Lee, the skies come alive as thousands of Northern Gannets flock above her kayak in a stunning display of nature captured beautifully by Hebridean-based cameraman Jim Hope. Kate meets ecologist Conor McKinney who is currently stationed at St Kilda and charged with looking after the cute Kildan mouse. Together they check the traps and learn about these remarkable mice that have evolved to become distinct from their mainland cousins.

This beautifully shot programme takes viewers to an environment seldom explored. Through the eyes of a real-life mermaid, we learn about these remarkable islands on the edge of the world.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes

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Role Contributor
Presenter Kate Macleod
Producer Peter Macqueen
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
Production Manager Marion Maclean
Executive Producer Seumas Mactaggart
