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Afganastan – An Tir Fo Leon : Jihad

Episode 2 of 4

In the 1980s, Afghanistan turned into the epicentre of a struggle between Islam and Communism and, at the same time, a battlefield of the Cold War.

In the 1980s, Afghanistan turned into the epicenter of a struggle between Islam and Communism and, at the same time, a battlefield of the Cold War. After the Soviet troops had reached Kabul, weapons and money from the United States and the Arab World were sent to the Afghan resistance. Also foreign fighters joined the jihad against the atheistic Soviets.

A young Osama Bin Laden was among them. This war became “the Soviet Vietnam”. After 10 years of fighting, the Mujahideen pushed back the occupying troops, thus contributing to the collapse of Soviet Union. Contributors include: Mujahidin commander Gulbuddin Hekmatyar; Soviet war hero Ruslan Aushev; former CIA chief of station in charge for Afghanistan, Milton Bearden.

Sna 1980an, bha Afganastan aig teis-mheadhan strì eadar Ioslam is Comannachas, agus aig an aon àm na làrach blàir sa Chogaidh Fhuar. Nuair a ràinig na Sovietaich Kabul chuir na Stàitean Aonaichte agus na tìrean Arabach airgead is armachd gu na ceannaircich Afganach. Cuideachd, chaidh cathaich a dùthchannan cèin an luib an Jihad an aghaidh na Sovietaich ain-diadhaidh.

Bha Osama Bin Laden òg nam measg. 'S e am "Vietnam Shovietach" a bhiodh sa chogadh seo. Às dèidh 10 bliadhna thug am Mujahidin air na Sovietaich teiche, a' cuideachadh le tuiteam an aonaidh. Chithear an ceannard Mujahidin Gulbuddin Hekmatyar; an curaidh Shovietach Ruslan Aushev; seann cheannard stèisean Afganastan an CIA, Milton Bearden sa phrògram.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

52 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Evelyn Coull Macleod
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
