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Afganastan – An Tìr Fo Leòn: Ribe (Afghanistan – Trap)

Episode 4 of 4

In Afghanistan, 9/11 began two days earlier when commander Massoud was assassinated; this was the first step of the attacks that Al Qaeda carried out in New York and Washington.

In Afghanistan, 9/11 began two days earlier when commander Massoud was assassinated; this was the first step of the attacks that Al Qaeda carried out in New York and Washington. The United States reacted by bombing and invading Afghanistan.

When the troops from the largest military coalition in history arrived to secure stability and reconstruction, many Afghans hoped for a future of peace and democracy. Again, their expectations would soon be shattered. In this episode, among others, we follow the stories of US General Stanley McChrystal; of Taliban Minister of Finance Motasim; and of Nilufar Ibrahimi, who became a doctor and, later, one of the female members of the Afghan Parliament.

Ann an Afganastan, thòisich 9/11 dà latha roimhe le murt an ceannard Massoud; b' e seo a' chiad cheum ann an ionnsaighean Al Qaeda air New York is Washington. Choisinn sin gun do rinn na Stàitean Aonaichte bomadh is lunnadh air Afganastan. Nuair a nochd feachdan a' chaidreibh-airm a bu mhotha riamh airson sìth a ghleidheadh is airson ath-thogail a thòiseachadh bha mòran Afganaich an dòchas gun tigeadh sìth is deamocrasaidh. Ach bhiodh briseadh dùil aca. San earrann seo am measg eile, leanaidh sinn sgeulachdan an Seanalair Ameireaganach Stanley McChrystal, Ministear Ionmhais an Taliban Motasim, agus Nilufar Ibrahimi a bha na dotair is a-rithist am measg buill bhoireann na Pàrlamaid Afganach.

“Afghanistan. The Wounded Land” looks at six decades of Afghan history through the eyes of those who were there: warriors and civilians, men and women. Their personal memories of the golden era, the Soviet occupation, the civil war, the Taliban regime, of 9/11 and its aftermath open new perspectives onto Afghanistan, its people and its destiny. These stories reflect in an unparalleled selection of archive footage, unearthed in Afghanistan, Russia and the Arab world. These films present a new insight into what went tragically wrong in the past - and what future is being hoped for.

Tha "Afganastan, Tìr Fo Leòn" a' coimhead ri sia deicheadan de dh'eachdraidh Afganastan tro shùilean feadhainn a bh' ann: cathaich is sìobhaltaich, fir is mnathan. Bheir an cuimhneachain pearsanta mu na làithean geala, an fhor-ghlacadh Shovietach, a' chogadh shìobhalta, rèisim an Taliban is toradh 9/11 sealladh ùr air sluagh is freastal Afganastan. Sna sgeulachdan seo, chithear taghadh gun shamhail de dh'ìomhaighean a lorgadh ann an Afganastan, an Ruis agus na tìrean Arabach. Bheir na filmichean seo sùil às ùr air dè a chaidh ceàrr– agus air dè a lùigear san àm ri teachd.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

52 minutes

Last on

Sat 4 Mar 2023 22:00

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Role Contributor
Narrator Evelyn Coull Macleod
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
