Featuring composers and performers Marit & Rona, and the exciting Kinnaris Quinte make their second Seirm Celtic Connections appearance.
Chaidh Seirm Celtic Connections a’ chlà radh aig à m na fèise 2022 ann an ionad Platform, ann an Glaschu. Ann am prògram de cheòl dùthchasach agus traidiseanta, bidh Mà iri Anna NicUalraig a’ cur fà ilte air measgachadh farsaing de luchd-ciùil às gach ceà rnaidh de dh’Alba. Tha an còigeamh prògram seo à sia a’ foillseachadh iomadachd na fèise tro thaisbeanaidhean bho leithid Marit & Rona, sgrìobhaichean-ciùil a tha air iomadh duais a chosnadh agus air a bheil fèill mhòr airson an ceòl ùr-ghnà thach.
A’ nochdadh aig Celtic Connections airson an dà rna turas, tha Kinnaris Quintet agus iad a’ taisbeanadh measgachadh de cheòl Èireannach is Albannach còmhla ri bluegrass, ceòl clasaigeach agus buaidhean Appalachian. Ann an còig bliadhna tha iad air duaisean agus luchd-leantainn mòr a chosnadh dhaibh pèin.
Mar a bhiodh dùil bho ainm a’ chòmhlain, tha The Yellow House All-Star Band là n rionnagan ciùil. Còmhla ris an t-seinneadair chliùiteach Ainslie Hammill, tha Ciarán Ryan, Jack Badcock, Sam Kelly agus Toby Shaer, seinneadairean agus luchd-ciùil aithnichte a tha a’ riochdachadh a’ chuid as fhearr de cheòl dùthchasach an là an-diugh.
Trad and roots music show Seirm Celtic Connections was filmed in 2022 during the festival in Platform, Glasgow. Mary Ann Kennedy welcomes a cross section of musicians from all over Scotland. This programme reflects the diversity of the festival with appearances by award-winning composers and performers Marit & Rona, whose innvovative music ensures that they are in great demand.
Making their second Seirm Celtic Connections appearance are the exciting Kinnaris Quintet, who combine Scottish and Irish folk music with bluegrass, classical and Appalachian influences and who have won a large following and awards in just five years. As their name suggests The Yellow House All-Star Band is full of musical stars. Fronted by acclaimed singer Ainslie Hammill, the band also features Ciarán Ryan, Jack Badcock, Sam Kelly and Toby Shaer, all of whom are formidable msuicians and singers and represent the best of the contemporary folk scene.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Mary Ann Kennedy |
Executive Producer | Alasdair MacCuish |
Producer | Ewan Duncan |
Director | John Smith |
Producer | Iain MacLeod |
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