Episode 5
It’s harvest time at Bragar machair, children try their hand at rowing in Shawbost, and RSPB warden Shona helps protect an endangered summer visitor to the island.
'S e Eilean Leòdhais an eilean as motha agus as fhaide tuath anns na h-eileanan an iar. Tha bòidhchead an eilein agus na h-à itichean inntinneach a tha ri fhaicinn ann a’ tà ladh mòran luchd-turais gach bliadhna. Dhaibhsan a tha a’ fuireach ann, chanadh gu leòr nach lùigeadh iad a bhi an à ite sam bi eile.
Tha an t-sreath seo a’ leantainn sgeulachdan daoine a tha a’ fuireach ann am bailtean chost’ an iar an eilein. Chaidh a chlà radh thairis air bliadhna, mar a cheadaicheadh riaghailtean Covid.
Anns a phrògram mu dheireadh, se à m buain a th’ann air machair Bhrà dhagair, tha cothrom aig clann sgilean iomraidh a thogail ann a Siabost agus tha Shona a tha’g obair aig Comann Rìoghaiil Dion nan Eun a’ cuideachadh eun beag a tha a’ tadhal air an eilean gach samhradh.
The Isle of Lewis is the largest and most northerly island in the Outer Hebrides. Its stunning beaches, rugged coastline and historical sites make it a popular place with summer visitors. For those who live there, it’s a place many are proud to call home.
Filmed over a year, as Covid restrictions permitted, this series follows the stories of islanders who live in the villages dotted along the west coast of Lewis. It’s harvest time at Bragar machair, local children get a chance to try their hand at rowing in Shawbost, and RSPB warden Shona helps protect an endangered summer visitor to the island.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Mairi Morrison |
Executive Producer | Ishbel Maclennan |
Director | Maureen MacLeod |
Editor | Marion Macdonald |
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