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Episode 1

Episode 1 of 6

With the cold winter over, Peter starts preparing the garden for the growing season. Tha an geamhradh fuar seachad is tha Pàdruig a’deasachadh a’ghàrraidh airson àm fàs.

Peter Macqueen and his trusty sidekick, Seòras, are back for a series of digging, planting, harvesting and eating.

It is early spring and Peter is preparing the back garden for a new season of growing. It may be too cold to plant much, but Peter is keen to sort through his seed collection and see what he has ready to plant – and more importantly what new things he can buy!

We see Peter heading off for a visit to his family’s special hideaway in Argyll where he and his dad get to work expanding the garden there. After planting some fruit trees and collecting a good helping of seaweed, Peter heads back to Glasgow.

Always keen to give himself a challenge, we are then introduced to yet another garden - Peter’s rather neglected front garden, and he hatches a plan for how he is going to achieve some much-need kerb appeal.

Tha Pàdruig MacCuidhein agus a dheagh charaid Seòras air ais son sreath ùr, a’ruamhar ‘sa cur, a’buain agus ag ithe.

Sa chiad phrògram tha sinn aig toiseach an Earraich agus tha Pàdruig a’deasachadh a’ghàrraidh chùil airson ràithe fàs ùr. Ged a tha i caran fuar airson mòran a chur, tha Pàdruig a’coimhead dè na sìl a th’aige agus dè tha deiseil airson a chuir dhan ùir – agus gu h-àraid – dé dh’fhaodas e a cheannach!

Chì sinn Pàdruig a’falbh gu bothan falaichte an teaghlaich ann an Earraghaidheal, far a bheil e fhèin ‘s athair trang a’leudachadh a’ghàrraidh. As dèidh craobhan mheas a chur, agus deagh chnap feamad a chruinneachadh, tha e a’tilleadh a’Ghlaschu.

‘S toil le Pàdruig dùbhlan a chur mu choinneamh fhèin – agus seo e, an gàrradh aghaidh. Suarach na rinn e leis thuige seo – ach tha dùil aige gum bi e fhathast bòidheach ged tha e beag.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

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Role Contributor
Presenter Peter Macqueen
