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Episode 1 of 4

Cathy MacDonald finds out about Frankenstein's Scottish connections. Cathy Dhòmhnallach a’lorg ceanglaichean eadar Frankenstein agus Alba.

Cathy Macdonald explores the fact behind the fiction in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. From the resurrectionists and anatomy classes of the early 19th century to the sights and smells of the whaling ships coming into port, Cathy finds out where Mary took her inspiration for the book and how her time spent living in Dundee as a teenager helped to inspire the novel.

Cathy also visits Orkney, where Mary Shelley chose to take her famous character and his creature.
Frankenstein - the story and the character - have endured over the centuries since it was published in 1818, inspiring numerous films, television shows and comics. Cathy talks to University of Dundee's Chair of Comic Studies about the impact the novel has had on the comic world. Cathy reveals the often unknown Scottish connections to one of the most famous novels ever written.

Tha Cathy Dhòmhnallach a’lorg na fìrinn air cùl na sgeòil anns an leabhar Frankenstein aig Màiri Shelley.
Eadar gadaichean chorp dhaibhsan a bha sireadh eòlas-bodhaig, tràth san 19mh linn, gu seallaidhean is fàilidhean luing-seilge nam mucan mara a’tighinn gu cala – tha Cathy a’faighinn a-mach an iomadh rud a dhùisg mac-meanmna an ùghdair, nam measg an ùine a chuir i seachad ann an Dundè na deugair. Thèid Cathy cuairt gu Arcaibh, far an do chuir Màiri a caractar ainmeil gu eilean uaignidh.

Sheas an leabhar gu làidir bhon a nochd e an toiseach ann an 1818, le sruth de filmichean, prògraman TBh agus pàipeirean éibhinn ga leantail.

Bruidhnidh Cathy ris a Phroifeasar airson Eòlas Chomaigean ann an Dundè, mun bhuaidh a bh’aig an leabhar air irisean dealbhaichte atharrach.
Bheir i gu aire an t-sluaigh an ceangal làidir ri Alba a th’aig leabhar cho ainmeil sa nochd riamh ann an clò.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Cathy MacDonald
