Episode 1
Iagan MacNèill a’leantail Slighe Naoimh Chuithbeirt a Maolros gu St Boswells. Iagan MacNeil explores the St Cuthbert’s Way, from Melrose to St Boswells.
San t-sreath seo tha Iagan MacNèill a’cur eòlas air an dùthaich agus an eachdraidh air Slighe Naoimh Chuithbeirt.
Chaidh an t-slighe taistealach ainmeachadh airson an Naomh Cuithbeart, a bha, san t-seachdamh linn, na mhanach, na aonaran, na fhear-leighis agus na easbuig. Tha i ruith fad trì fichead mìle sa dha eadar Maolros sna Crìochan far an deach e na òige dhan mhanachainn, gu eilean naomh Lindisfarne far cladach Northumbria, far an deach a thiodhlagadh an toiseach.
Sa phrògram seo tha Iagan a’tòiseachadh aig Abaid Mhaolrois far am bruidhinn e ri Iain Craig bho Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil na h-Alba. Coisichidh e tro Shliabh Eildon, tadhlaidh e air bailtean Bowden agus Newton St. Boswells, fà gaidh e an staran airson feuchainn a-null air Drochaid Coise Dryburgh chun na h-Abaid, agus mu dheireadh thall, gheibh e leasan iasgaich slait air Abhainn Tuaidh.
Iagan MacNeil finds out about the landscape and history along the St Cuthbert’s Way. The 62-mile long pilgrims’ route - named after the 7th-century hermit, healer and bishop, St Cuthbert - links Melrose Abbey in the Scottish Borders where Cuthbert began his religious life, with his original burial place on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne off the Northumbrian coast.
Iagan starts off at Melrose Abbey where he talks to Iain Craig of Historic Environment Scotland, before walking through the Eildon Hills and visiting the towns of Bowden and Newton St Boswells. He then slightly diverts off the route to cross Dryburgh Footbridge and visit Dryburgh Abbey, before a fishing lesson on the River Tweed.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Iagan MacNeil |
Producer | Julie McCrone |
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