Coinneach MacFhraing makes the journey over to the remote island of Mingulay, home to some of the most spectacular sea cliffs in Europe.
For those intrepid enough to make the journey, the Hebridean island of Mingulay offers some of the most spectacular sea-cliff climbing in Europe, as well as an opportunity to connect with the island’s rich and fascinating history.
While tackling some of the island’s most iconic climbs, Coinneach MacFhraing and climbing partner Nicky Brierley gain an insight into what island life might have been like over a hundred years ago.
Dhan fheadhainn dà na gu leòr an slighe a dhèanamh a-null, tha Eilean Mhiughalaigh sna h-Eileanan an Iar a’ tabhann cuid dhen na sgurran as iongantaich airson sreap san Roinn Eòrpa, a bharrachd air a’ chothrom ceangal a dhèanamh le eachdraidh à ibheiseach an eilein.
Fhad ’s a tha iad a’ feuchainn air cuid dhen na sgurran as ainmeil san eilean, tha Coinneach MacFhraing agus a charaid Nicky Brierley ag ionnsachadh cò ris a bhiodh cùisean coltach air an eilean bho chionn còrr is ceud bliadhna.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Coinneach Rankin |
Executive Producer | Tony Kearney |
Executive Producer | Jim Webster |
Executive Producer | Calum McConnell |
Director | Hamish MacLeod |
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