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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 6

Gregor gets creative using leftover panettone to make moist frangipane cakes known as Bostock.

Gregor MacLeod visits friends throughout the Western Isles for a feast. They show him their favourite crowd-pleasing recipes that never let them down. Creations include butterscotch meringue pie, a cherished family recipe in the Bays of Harris, plus a store cupboard pudding using sweet waffles and raspberries in Gearranan on the Isle of Lewis.

At home in Callanish, Gregor gets creative using leftover panettone to make moist frangipane cakes known as Bostock. Cold and windy outside? The only thing for it is a warming, hearty casserole. Gregor elevates his using rabbit, and topping it with cheesy tarragon dumplings.

Hosting friends for tea, Gregor reinvents a classic dessert. This is rice pudding as you’ve never seen it before: fragrant with orange zest and cased in sweet shortcrust pastry.

Paidh milis le mearaing ‘s butterscotch, reasapaidh a th’air a bhi cleachte tro ghinealaichean ann am Bàgh na Hearadh. ‘S na Geàrranan, Leòdhas, chìthear feum air preasa làn airson mìlsean ann an cabhaig. Tha Griogair MacLeòid a’ tadhal air caraidean air feadh nan eilean gu faic e na reasapaidhean as fheàrr leotha ‘s nach cuir an tàmailt orra.

S a’ chidsin aige fhèin tha e fàs cruthachail a’ dèanamh cèicichean à sliosan panettone ‘s àmoin. Stoirmeil a-muigh? Chan eil am beat air casaroil airson cofhurtachd- gu h-àraidh casaroil coineanaich Ghriogair!

Le caraidean air cuireadh fhaighinn gu biadh tha Griogair a’ cuir a dhreach ùr fhèin air mìlsean rus. Mar nach fhacar riamh e - ann an cèisean milis pastraidh.
Tha e pailt cho cudthromach do Ghriogair a bhi blasad a bhìdh còmhla ri charaidean ‘s a tha e iomlaid a’ dhèanamh air reasapaidhean mìorbhaileach a tha ag obrachadh uair as dèidh uair.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Gregor Macleod
Director Ramsay MacMahon


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