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Coinneach MacFhraing seeks out unclimbed lines and challenging new routes on the remote and beautiful island of Rona.

Largely unexplored by climbers, the island of Rona offers serious adventure potential to those willing to forego comfort and convenience. In order to seek out unclimbed lines and new routes of their own, Coinneach MacFhraing and Owen Sinclair travel to the island and spend a few days wrestling with wet boots, loose rock and the prospect of returning home empty-handed.

Air eilean far nach deach mòran sreap a dhèanamh roimhe, tha Rònaigh a’ tabhann chothroman air leth spòrsail dhan fheadhainn a tha deònach leigeil às de chomhfurtachd is goireasachd.

A’ sireadh slighean ùra dhaibh fhèin nach deach a shreap roimhe, tha Coinneach MacFhraing agus Owen Sinclair a’ siubhal chun an eilean gus latha no dhà a chur seachad a’ dèiligeadh ri bòtannan fliucha, sgrìodan cloiche agus dòchasach nach till iad dhachaigh gun chàil nan cois.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

Last on


Role Contributor
Presenter Coinneach MacFhraing
