Nollaig sa Bhothaig
Peter Macqueen and his partner Coinneach celebrate Christmas at the family hut in Argyll. Àm Nollaig ann am bothaig an Earra-Ghà idheal dha Pà druig MacCuidhein le chèile Coinneach.
Peter Macqueen and his partner Coinneach MacLeod love to celebrate the festivities in their remote and off-grid hideaway in Argyll. But much as they enjoy the peace of celebrations at the family hut - accessible only by boat – they are a sociable pair who enjoy spending time with their friends and family.
So this year they’ve decided to bring the party to the hut, inviting some of their favourite people to travel along the Clachan Sound to join them for the festivities. With help from their guests, they transform their simple wooden shelter into a magical winter wonderland – the perfect location for a traditional Christmas of mistletoe and wine, music and song, love and laughter.
‘S fìor thoil le Pà druig MacCuidhein ’s a chèile Coinneach MacLeòid a bhi comharrachadh à m na Nollaig nan à ite sà mhach fhèin fad as is falaichte ann an Earra-Ghà idheal. Ach cho mòr ’ s gun toil leotha sà mhchair ’sa bhothaig teaghlaich- chan fhaighear thuige ach le eathar- tha iad le chèile measail a bhith a’ cur seachad ùine còmhla ri cà irdean is caraidean.
Am bliadhna roghnaich iad cuireadh a thabhann do chuid dhiubh siubhal thairis Caolas a’ Chlachain son a bhith cuide riutha fad à m na Nollaig. Le cuideachadh bhon aoighean , chan eil e toirt fada chun a bheil a’ bhothag sgeadaichte le dreach na Nollaige - an dearbh à ite airson Nollaig thraidiseanta le sùgh an daraich ‘s fìon, ceòl ‘s òrain, gaol is gà ire.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Peter Macqueen |
Director | Faye MacLean |
Producer | Robyn Low |
Editor | Marion Macdonald |
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