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Episode 1

Episode 1 of 6

Ramsay’s travels take him to the Angus coast. Starting in Arbroath, he gets a sneak peek into how the Arbroath smokie is made.

Ramsay’s travels take him to the Angus coast. Starting in Arbroath, he gets a sneak peek into how the Arbroath smokie is made and of course gets to sample this local delicacy. He then goes out on a boat trip to discover The Bell Rock Lighthouse.

No sooner is he back on dry land, Ramsay heads back out to sea again but this time in a kayak to explore the coastlines magical hidden sea caves. The next morning Ramsay heads inland to visit the home once lived in by the father of one of the founders of Harley Davidson – and what better way to travel there than on a Harley Davidson trike!

Chan eil àite ann coltach ri Alba do Ramsay MacMahon son deiridhean sheachdain eadar-dhealaichte fhaighinn, làn spòrs is saorsa bho obair.
Air an tè seo ’s ann taobh Sgìre Aonghais a tha e a’ cuir aghaidh. Tha a’chiad stad ann an Obair-Bhrothaig far a’ faigh e fiosrachadh mu agus blasad de’n adag-rèisgte ainmeil aca. As an sin a-mach gu muir cho fada ri Taigh-sholais Innis Ceap.

Chan fhada a tha e a’fuireach tioram air tìr mas till e gu muir, ach an turas seo ann an caidheag a thadhal air cuid de na h-uamhan eireachdail nam falach air feadh chladaichean na sgìre.

An ath mhadainn ‘s e a’ fuireach air tìr an turas seo, chì sibh Ramsay air bhoil s e a’ siubhal air traidhg chun taigh san d’rugadh athair fear de stèidheadairean Harley Davidson, an companaidh cliùiteach a rinn an dearbh traidhg seo agus motar-baidhsagalan mòran nas motha.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

29 minutes

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Role Contributor
Presenter Ramsay MacMahon
