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The entries for the Highland dancers scatter everywhere and they end up in the wrong competitions.
Thòisich e le sreothart! Tha na dannsairean Gà idhealach ann na co-fharpaisean ceà rr aig na Geamannan Gà idhealach…Ach coma leat na h-à ireamhan co-fharpais, bith spòrs math ann! Tha na dannsairen fiot ach tha iad seòlta cuideachd!
It started with a sneeze! The entries for the Highland dancers scatter everywhere and they end up in the wrong competitions at the Highland games…With strength, speed, skill and sass they tackle all the events with entertaining results!
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
Fri 17 Feb 2023
- Fri 17 Feb 2023 23:00