Episode 15
Andrew Mackinnon introduces a look back through the archives as the programme marks its 30th series. Reports include an exhibition in Belgium about the history of the toilet!
Tha Anndra MacFhionghain a’ toirt sgrìob eile tro thasglann ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ agus am prògram a’ comharrachadh an deicheamh sreath thar fhichead. Am measg na h-aithrisean tha sùil bho 2007 air mar a tha an galair HIV air a dhol ma sgaoil san Ruis, ceistean mu sheasmhachd seirbheisean aiseig Chalmac agus taisbeanadh mu thaighean beaga sa Bheilg!
Andrew Mackinnon introduces another look back through the ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ archive as the programme marks its 30th series. Among the reports are a look at the spread of HIV in Russia, questions being raised about the future of Calmac ferry services in the year 2000, and an exhibition in Belgium about the history of the toilet!
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