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Episode 2

Ramsay brushes up on his German in the port city of Hamburg. Gearmailtis Ramsay feumail ann an Hamburg.

Ramsay MacMahon has shown his love for travel and his passion for new experiences. In this series, his weekend adventures take him from Scotland to Europe where he explores four of the continent’s most fascinating cities. As well as exploring some of the cities’ main attractions, he also discovers their quirkier side to bring you his own, unique guide to the places he visits.

In this programme, Ramsay dusts off his German phrase book for a trip to the vibrant port city of Hamburg. He takes a boat tour of the industrial area of the city, visits the world’s largest model railway, stays overnight on a barge, has a go at hip-hop dancing and visits the Reeperbahn district where The Beatles played hundreds of gigs.

Ann an t-sreath Mach à Seo tha a’ mhiann a th’aig Ramsay MacMahon airson siubhal agus tachartasan ùra gu math follaiseach. An turas seo ‘s ann air an Roinn Eòrpa a tha e cuir aghaidh gach deireadh sheachdain far a bheil e tadhal air ceithir dè na bailtean-mòra as inntinniche san Roinn Eòrpa.

Cuide ri bhi sealltainn am prìomh sheallaidhean chithear na tabhartasan as annasaiche a th’aca bhon stiùireadh sònraichte pearsanta aig Ramsay.
Anns a’ phrògram seo tha Ramsay a’ cuir a chuid Gearmailtis gu feum ‘s e dèanamh air baile-puirt beòthail Hamburg. Tadhailidh e air am pàirt gnìomhachasail den phort air bòrd bàta, chì e am meanbh loidhne-rèile as motha san t-saoghal, cadlaidh e air bòrd bàirdse, feuchaidh e air dannsa hip-hop agus tadhalaidh e air sgìre Reeperbahn, ainmeil son a liuthad cuirm-chiuil a bh’aig na Beatles ann.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes
