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Geamaichean an Uabhais – Munich/Terror at the Games – Munich

The Munich Olympics were to present the Federal Republic of Germany as a young, cosmopolitan democracy. But the games will always be remembered for the events of September 5.

Bha Geamaichean Oilimpigeach Mhunich a’ dol a thaisbeanadh Poblachd Feadarail na Gearmailt mar dheamocrasaidh òg, ioma-chultarail. Ach, bidh cuimhne gu bràth air na “geamaichean càirdeil” airson na thachair air an 5mh den t-Sultain an uair a thug am buidheann palastinianach “Black September” aon deug lùth-chleasaichean à Israel am bruid. Goirid an dèidh meadhan oidhche, chaidh feuchainn ris an fheadhainn a chaidh a thoirt am bruid a shàbhaladh, ach dh’ fhàillig seo. An uair a stad na gunnaichean a losgadh, bha an fheadhainn am bruid à Israel, oifigear poilis à taobh an iar na Gearmailt agus còig ceannarcaich Palastinianach nan laighe marbh. Tha “Geamaichean an Uabhais – Munich” ag ath-chruthachadh an là bho dhiofar sheallaidhean, an là a tha cuid a’ smaoineachadh a thòisich ceannairceachd eadar-nàiseanta. Tha buill dhen sgioba à Israel a fhuair às beò, oifigearan poilis Gearmailteach agus airson a’ chiad turas a-riamh, dithis de na Palastinianaich a bha an urra ri daoine a thoirt am bruid, ag innse an cuid sgeulachdan

The Munich Olympic Games were to present the Federal Republic of Germany as a young, cosmopolitan democracy. But the “friendly games” will always be remembered for the events of September 5, when the Palestinian organisation “Black September” took 11 Israeli athletes hostage.

Shortly after midnight, the hostage situation ended in a failed rescue attempt. When the gunfire stopped, all the Israeli hostages, one West German police officer and five Palestinian terrorists lay dead.

“Terror at the Games – Munich” reconstructs the day from various perspectives, the day many consider to be the birth of international terrorism. Surviving members of the Israeli team, German police officers and for the first time ever, the two surviving Palestinian hostage-takers, tell their stories.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

1 hour, 28 minutes

Last on

Sat 24 Jun 2023 23:30
