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Episode 2

Seo an sgeulachd nach deach innse mun sgrios air Beinn Everest. This is the untold story of the Mount Everest tragedy.

Seo an sgeulachd nach deach innse mun sgrios air Beinn Everest, nuair a chaochail 11 neach a' feuchainn ris a' bheinn as àirde a dhìreadh. Thug ìomhaigh a sgaoil air feadh an t-saoghail sealladh air na thachair – sreath fhada de na ceudan de shreapadairean air am bacadh air druim Everest, uile a' feuchainn ri brath a ghabhail air cothrom a' mhullach a ruighinn.
A' snìomh aithris bho shreapadairean, Sherpathan agus feadhainn a chaill luchd-gaoil còmhla, chì sinn ciamar is carson a chaidh cùisean ceàrr. An robh cus air a' bheinn, agus an robh tuilleadh 's a chòrr de luchd-dìridh aineolach ann, air an tàladh chun na beinne le companaidhean a' gabhail brath orra? Agus dè a bhuaidh a th' aig a' bhrùchd de shreapadairean air an àrainneachd?

This is the untold story of the Mount Everest tragedy, where 11 people died trying to scale the world’s highest summit. An image that went viral showed a glimpse of what happened that day - a long, continuous line of hundreds of climbers bottlenecked on the summit ridge of Everest, all trying to take advantage of a narrow window to get to the top.
Weaving first-hand accounts from alpinists, sherpas and those who lost loved ones, we find out how and why things went awry. Was the mountain too crowded? And were there too many inexperienced climbers, lured by the magic of the mountain by exploitative companies? And what is the environmental impact caused by the influx of climbers?

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

46 minutes

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