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Coinnichidh sinn ri luchd-iomairt a tha a' feuchainn ri ar creutairean a sàbhaladh. We meet activists trying to save our plants and animals.

The United Nations predicts that by 2100, an estimated 50% of the world’s species, that's up to one million animal and plant groups, are at risk of extinction because of human activities.

We traverse Asia to understand how climate change and rising temperatures are lowering many species' survival rates. The changes lead to less food, less reproduction and lowering of environment quality for native wildlife. We also investigate how human exploitation of animal habitats has made things even worse.

Many experts say a 'mass extinction event' - only the sixth in the past half-billion years - is already underway. Cooler habitats have been earmarked as a way for species to "escape" from warming climates. However, most species won't be able to do this quickly enough to avoid extinction, based on their past rates of movement.

In this series, we go deep inside jungles, oceans and natural habitats around Asia and meet activists and environmentalists trying to save our animals from extinction.

A rèir tomhas nan Dùthchannan Aonaichte, roimh 2100 bidh timcheall air 50% de ghnèithean an t-saoghail - suas ri millean gnè ainmhidh is lus – ann an cunnart a dhol à bith ri linn gnìomhan mhic an duine. Siùbhlaidh sinn Àisia a dh'fhaighinn tuigse air mar a tha atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde agus blàthachadh a' cur ghnèithean ann an cunnart ri linn dìth bìdh, lùghdachadh ann an gineadh agus atharraichidhean san àrainneachd. Chì sinn mar a tha an dòigh anns am bi mac an duine a' cleachdadh na h-àrainneachd, atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde agus truailleadh a' cur ris a' bhuaidh. 'S iomadh eòlaiche a thuirt gu bheil lèir sgrios – an siathamh fear ann an leth bhillean bliadhna – air tòiseachadh.

Shònraicheadh sgìrean nas fionnaire mar thèarmainn bhon teothachadh do chuid de ghnèithean. Ach cha dèan iad feum do dh'iomadh gnè oir nach tèid aca air gluasad luath gu leòr. San dà earrann seo, thèid sinn dhan choille dhùmhail, dhan chuan agus do dh'àrainneachdan nàdarra air feadh Àisia agus coinnichidh sinn ri luchd-iomairt agus èic-eòlaichean a tha a' feuchainn ri ar creutairean a dhìon o dhol à bith.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

44 minutes

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