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Granaidh Laomainn/Moth Gran
Episode 1 of 52
Gran sits in front of the television for so long that she turns into a cocoon.
Tha Granaidh air a bhith na suidhe air beulaibh an telebhisein cho fada is gu bheil i a’ tionndadh na cochall. Le beagan taic bho Phòl, a tha ag iarraidh an t-sèithear as cofhurtaile air ais, tha Granaidh a’ tionndadh na laomann.
Gran sits in front of the television for so long that she turns into a cocoon, and with a little help from Dave who wants his favourite seat back, she hatches into a moth.
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Thu 14 Dec 2023
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- Tue 12 Dec 2023 17:55
- Thu 14 Dec 2023 18:05