Episode 2
Ramsay MacMahon takes a hike in the Isle of Lewis with Gregor MacLeod. Tha Ramsay MacMahon cuir car ma chnoc air eilean Leòdhais cuide ri Griogair MacLeòid.
Ramsay MacMahon is in the west side of the Isle of Lewis with Gregor MacLeod. The pair take to the hills and the moorland above Breasclete and Callanish for a hike. As they walk, Gregor shares stories of his upbringing in the close-knit village of Callanish and reflects on life and what’s important to him.
A cook at home and on television, Gregor tells Ramsay where his love of food comes from and about his precious relationship with his grannie. As they traverse through the heather, Gregor opens up about love and working life in a small island community.
The pair visit some of the more unknown standing stone sites that are scattered across the local area and ponder the mysteries of the Stone Age.
Tha Ramsay air taobh Siar eilean Leòdhais cuide ri Griogair MacLeòid. Tha am paidhir aca a’dèanamh air na cnuic is moìntichean os cionn Bhreascleit ‘s Calanais. Fhad’s a tha iad a’ coiseachd tha mòran sgeulachdan aig Griogair mu fàs suas ann am baile chà irdeil Chalanais agus tha e a’ toirt beachd air beatha agus dè tha cudthromach ann dhà san.
Na chòcaire aig an taigh agus air telebhisean, tha Griogair ag innse do Ramsay cò as a fhuair e a mhiann air biadh agus mun chà irdeas shònraichte a bh’aige le sheanmhair. A’ cumail suas ri chèile tron fhraoch, tha Griogair gu math fosgailte mun chuspair gaol agus beatha obrach ann an coimhearsnachd beag.
Tha iad a’tadhal air cuid de là raich ionadail le tursachan nach eil cho aithnichte agus a’cnuasachadh mu dhìomhaireachdean Linn na Cloiche.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ramsay MacMahon |
Series Producer | Faye MacLean |
Interviewed Guest | Gregor Macleod |
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