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Tha na seòid a’ feuchainn air stoidhe còcaireachd Hangi. The lads try their hand at cooking Hangi style.

Tha Ruairidh agus Ùisdean gu math measail air a bhith a’ còcaireachd. Ann am prògram na h-oidhche nochd, tha iad a’ còcaireachd ann an stoidhle traidiseanta Hangi, a bhios na Maori a’ dèanamh ann an Sealainn Nuadh. Às dèidh toll eu-domhainn a chladhach san talamh agus clachan fìor theth bhon teine a chur aig bonn an tuill, tha na seòid a’ cur basgaidean de bhiadh a chaidh ullachadh sa chidsin aca sa bhàthaich air am muin. Tha pocannan hessian fliuch agus talamh air a chleachdadh gus an toll a chòmhdach.

Fhad ‘s a tha am biadh a’ bruich fon talamh, tha iad a’ tilleadh dhan bhàthaich airson biadh a thèid a ghabhail còmhla ris ullachadh, mus tog iad am biadh tìodhlaichte an ceann dà uair a thìde.

Bhon talamh teth, tha an t-annlann as fheàrr: gigot feòil uain, mac-làmhaich, cearc slàn, pìos feòil-mhuice spìosrach agus taghadh math de ghlasraich – agus fiù ‘s marag dhubh Leòdhais!

Còmhla ris a’ seo, tha na seòid a’ dèanamh sabhs mionnt teth agus grèibhidh circe sònraichte.
Roddy and Uisdean are keen domestic cooks.

The lads cook using the New Zealand Maori traditional Hangi style. After digging a shallow pit in the ground and placing a layer of super-heated stones from their bonfire in its base, the duo place baskets of food prepared in their barn kitchen on top of the stones. Wet hessian sacks and earth are used to cover the pit.

While the food is cooking underground they retreat to their barn kitchen to prepare accompaniments, before uncovering the buried feast about two hours later.
From the hot earth emerges perfectly cooked Lamb Gigot, Monkfish, a Whole Chicken, a Spiced Pork Joint a variety of whole vegetables and even a Lewis Black Pudding!

The lads serve this up with a hot mint sauce and a special chicken gravy.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

28 minutes

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Role Contributor
Presenter Roddy Munro
Presenter Uisdean Macleod
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
Production Manager Mairi Macleod
