An Fhìdeag-theasairginn/Two Toots Spud
Dave and his friends get lost on a school orienteering exercise thanks to Robert Robot, who is unable to read the map.
Tha Pòl is a charaidean a’ dol air chall fhad ’s a tha iad a-muigh air eacarsaich sligheadaireachd leis an sgoil, air sgà th is nach urrainn do Raibeart Ròbot mapa a leughadh. Tha iad air an sguabadh air falbh le calmain-tìgeir is air am fà gail san nid mhòir aca. Feumaidh Pòl am mapa fhaighinn air ais bho Raibeart airson is gun lorg iad an slighe air ais dhan sgoil.
Dave and his friends get lost on a school orienteering exercise thanks to Robert Robot, who is unable to read the map. Snatched by a flock of giant Tiger Pigeons and deposited into their equally giant nest, Dave must retrieve the map from Robert and get them all back to school.
Last on
- Tue 6 Feb 2024 18:00
- Thu 8 Feb 2024 18:05