The Hebridean Men's Cancer support group marks 15 years of bringing men together to share and talk about their experience of having cancer. The film was made by pupils of The Nicolson Institute.
Ann an dà mhìle fichead ‘s a trì bidh a’ Bhuidheann Aillse Fir nan Innse Gall a’ comharrachadh còig bliadhna deug le bhith a’ toirt còmhla fir le aillse gus taic a thoirt do chà ch a chèile. Tha an obair aca cuideachd a’ toirt deagh eisimpleir do bhalaich agus fir òga mu cho cudromach sa tha e bruidhinn mu faireachdainnean. Chaidh am fiolm seo a dhèanamh le balaich bho Ard-sgoil MhicNeacail.
The Hebridean Men's Cancer support group marks 15 years of bringing men together to share and talk about their experience of having cancer. The film was made by pupils of The Nicolson Institute as part of the Youth Philanthropy Initiative