Ladybird & Bee/Daolag-bhreac is Seillean Series 1 Episodes Episode guide
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Ã’ran An Achaidh Fhiadhaich
26/26 There is a lot of singing in Achadh Fhiadhaich today.
Builg-Bhuachrach Sombaidh
25/26 Daolag-bhreac is excited – is this a magic place?
Duilleagan Foghair
24/26 There’s a lot of fun today when the leaves start twirling to the ground!
‘N T-Eadar-Lion Fiodha
23/26 Tha Daolag-bhreac is Seillean fon talamh. Daolag-bhreac and Seillean are underground.
Sgeul nan Cinn-pholla
22/26 Ladybird and Bee meet a frog and some small tadpoles.
Cluich an t-Samhraidh
21/26 Tha Cluich an t-Samhraidh cho spòrsail. Summer play is lots of fun.
Ceilearadh na Maidne
20/26 A loud noise wakes up Ladybird and Bee, a noise like birds singing.
An Drà gon Mòr
19/26 Tha drà gon mòr a’ nochdadh an-diugh. A big dragon appears today.
Cunntas Chas
18/26 Tha cunntadh glè spòrsail. Counting is great fun.
Flù na Daolaige-brice
17/26 Tha droch chnatan air Daolag-bhreac. Daolag-bhreac has a bad cold.
Tuaineal Siocamor
16/26 Tha Seillean air bhioran an-diugh. Seillean is excited today. (R)
Buiceil Sheillein
15/26 Tha gach seillean ri buiceil an-diugh. The bees are leaping today.
Seangan LÃ idir Armaichte
14/26 We learn today how ants are strong and active. (R)
An Oidhche
13/26 Dè am fuaim a tha siud? What’s that noise? (R)
Teatha Sheillein
12/26 Tha Seillean a’ dèanamh mil an-diugh. Seillean is making honey today.
Danns' an t-Seangain
11/26 Tha na seanganan a’ danns’ an-diugh. The ants are dancing today.
Bèibidhean Daolaag-bhreac
10/26 Tha 'ad a’ frithealadh bhèibidhean an-diugh. They’re looking after babies today.
Bangaid nan Ùbhal
9/26 Tha rudeigin air tuiteam bhon chraoibh! Something has fallen from the tree!
Latha Frasach
8/26 Feumar na boiteagan a chuideachadh. The worms need to be helped.
Mìn is Spìceach
7/26 Tha rud às an à bhaist air tuiteam gu talamh. Something unusual has fallen to the ground.
6/26 There’s a lot changing, but where is the caterpillar?
Luchagan Beaga
5/26 Dè tha ceà rr air na luchagan beaga? What’s wrong with the mouse babies?
An Glanadh Mòr
4/26 There was a big storm in Wild Meadow, and now there is a big mess.
3/26 There are unusual things to be seen at bedtime, such as a flying branch!
Bèibidhean Seilcheag
2/26 Dè tha na bèibidhean seilcheag ris an-diugh? What are the baby snails up to today?
Leum an Leumadair
1/26 Tha fionnain-fheòir leumnach. Grasshoppers are jumpy.