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Mairi Rodgers explores Scotland’s most exotic garden – Logan Botanic Garden, near Stranraer. Tha Màiri Rodgers a’ gabhail cuairt tro ghàrradh cian-annasach - Gàrradh Lusan Lògan.

Mairi travels to Logan Botanic Garden, Scotland’s most exotic garden! Curator Richard Baines shows Mairi some of the many plants that can be grown outdoors at Logan that would need to be kept indoors anywhere else in Scotland. They make their way through the giant Gunnera Bog, before enjoying some mocktails made from plants selected from the garden. Tèarlach Quinnell talks about the various ways that plant protect themselves.

Sa phrògram seo, thig Màiri a Ghàrradh Lusan Lògan faisg air an t-Sròn Reamhar – an gàrradh as deòranta an Alba! Seallaidh an Fhear-tasgaidh, Richard Baines, dhith feadhainn dha na lusan a tha fàs a-muigh ann an Lògan a dh’fheumadh an cumail a-staigh an àite sam bith eile an Alba. Thèid iad tro bhog mòr Gunnera mus stad iad airson mocktails air an dèanamh à lusan sa ghàrradh. Innsidh Tèarlach Quinnell dhuinn mu na diofar dhòighean a th’aig lusan iad fhèin a dhìon.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

11 days left to watch

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Mairi Rodgers
Producer Julie McCrone
Editor Marion Macdonald
