Ramsay visits Reykjavik and southern Iceland. Tha Ramsay a’tadhal air Reykjavik agus ceann a deas Innis-Tìle.
Ramsay MacMahon is off on his travels as he visits Europe’s fascinating cities to see the sights, meet the locals and learn about their cultures. As well as exploring some of the cities’ main attractions, he also discovers their quirkier side to bring you his own unique guide.
In this programme, Ramsay visits the Icelandic city of Reykjavik before setting off to explore the south coast of the country. In the city, he visits the stunning modern church, HallgrÃmskirkja, that dominates the city’s skyline and tries a local festive dish that tastes better than it looks!
He visits a tomato farm, powered by geothermal energy before enjoying some of the natural heat himself while swimming at the Secret Lagoon. Ramsay then heads further east to explore a glacial ice cave and visit the Diamond Beach, covered in beautiful icebergs which have washed up on the shore.
Tha Ramsay MacMahon ma sgaoil is e a’dèanamh air an Roinn Eòrpa airson cuid dhe bhailtean-mòra iongantach fhaicinn ‘s coinneachadh ri muinntir an à ite son fiosrachadh mun chultar aca.
Cuide ri na prìomh sheallaidhean, chì sinn na h-annasan a th’aca ri thabhann bho ar treòraiche-chuairtean a tha a’ cuir a dhreach fhèin air cùisean.
Sa phrògram seo tha Ramsay a’tadhal air baile-mòr Innis-Tìleach Reykjavik mas cuir e aghaidh air ceann a deas na dùthcha.
Tadhailidh e air an eaglais ùr-nòs HallgrÃmskirkja, èireachdail ri faicinn air fà ire agus blaisidh e air biadh ionadail air a bheil blas nas fheà rr na choltas.
Tha e tadhal air tuathanas thomatothan air a ruith le lùths geò-teasaiche mas cuir e gu feum pearsanta an teas nà darra seo le snà mh san Lagùn Dìomhair. Chun ear an uairsin gu uamh deighe eigheadail agus Trà igh nan Daoimein, còmhdaichte le cnuic-eighre à lainn a th’air tighinn air tìr leis an là n.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ramsay MacMahon |
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