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Sheryl Crow

Episode 1 of 3

Sùil air ais air na rinn an seinneadair rock agus roll, Sheryl Crow. A nostalgic look back on the musical career of critically acclaimed rock and roll icon, Sheryl Crow.

Sùil air ais air na rinn an seinneadair rock agus roll, Sheryl Crow, aig a bheil fìor chliù am measg eòlaichean-ciùil agus i ainmeil airson a comais iomadh ionnstramaid a chluiche, na beachdan làidir poilitigeach aice agus cruinneachadh de dh’òrain iomraiteach a thàinig gu bhith samhlachadh fuaim nan naoidheadan.

Rugadh Crow ann am baile beag Kennett, Missouri, ‘s bha ceòl na cnàmhan …..a màthair a’ teagaisg piano agus a h-athair na fhear lagha tron latha agus a’ cluiche trumpaid jazz air an fhionnaraidh. Cha robh e na iongnadh gun robh Crow comasach air am piano a chluiche tro bhith ag èisteachd ‘s i fhathast glè òg.
Tha Sheryl na fìor dheagh eisimplear de dh’ìomhaigh neach rock agus roll ‘s i air 50 millean clàr a reic air feadh an t-saoghail, naoi Grammaidhean a-mach às na 32 airson an deach a’ cur air adhart a bhuannachadh agus air aona chlàr deug fhoillseachadh tro stiùideo.

A nostalgic look back on the musical career of critically acclaimed rock and roll icon, Sheryl Crow, known for her multi- instrumental talents, strong political convictions and her catalogue of classic hits that came to define the sound of the 90s.

Born in a small town in Kennett, Missouri, Crow grew up with music in her blood. Her mother was a piano teacher and her father a lawyer by day and a jazz trumpeter by night. It’s little wonder that by the age of six, Crow had learnt to play piano by ear. Selling over 50 million albums worldwide, winning nine Grammys out of 32 nominations, and releasing 11 studio albums, Sheryl Crow is the epitome of a rock and roll icon.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes

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