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The Countess of Fife

Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald welcome you to day three at Belladrum 2024 as The Countess of Fife perform on the Garden Stage.

Fiona NicChoinnich agus Niall Iain Dòmhnallach a’ cur fàilte oirbh chun an treas latha aig Belladrum 2024, agus The Countess of Fife a’ gabhail thairis Àrd-ùrlar a’ Ghàrraidh. Le Fay Fife bhon chòmhlan punc iomraiteach The Rezillos gan stiùireadh, tha an seata beòthail aig an sgioba tuath-cheòl seo a’ tàladh luchd-leantainn as ùr. Le cliù àrd ann an saoghal ciùil na dùthcha, tha Fay Fife air a bhith aithnichte mar phrìomh neach-ciùil The Rezillos bho 1976. Tha The Countess of Fife a' tarraing eileamaidean de cheòl punc, tuath-cheòl, americana agus soisgeulach uile còmhla agus gan lìbhrigeadh bho shealladh boireann.

Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald welcome you to day three at Belladrum 2024 as The Countess of Fife perform on the Garden Stage. The country outfit led by Fay Fife from legendary punk band The Rezillos win new fans with a lively set. A highly regarded figure in Scottish music, Fay Fife has been frontwoman of The Rezillos since 1976. The Countess of Fife bring elements of punk, country, americana and gospel - all delivered from a female perspective.

Release date:

5 months left to watch

30 minutes

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