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Electro-rock comes to Belladrum as rEDOLENT perform a lively acoustic set.

Electro-rock aig Belladrum ann an riochd rEDOLENT le seisean acoustic beòthail. Ann an ùine ghoirid tha an còmhlan à Dùn Èideann air àite a lorg dhaibh pèin ann an saoghal a’ chiùil, a’ cruinneachadh dhuaisean agus a’ nochdadh aig cuirmean beò air feadh na dùthcha.

Electro-rock comes to Belladrum as rEDOLENT perform a lively acoustic set. In a short time, the talented Edinburgh band have made their mark on the music scene, winning awards, and playing live all over the country.

Release date:

5 months left to watch

30 minutes

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