In Skye, Gregor MacLeod visits Maggie Ross, who shows him a cookery book used by her mother.
Gregor MacLeod travels the islands gathering delicious recipes and meeting brilliant bakers and cooks. He gets a taste of what they are stirring up in their kitchens as well as getting creative in his own.
In Skye, he visits Maggie Ross who shows him a cookery book that her mother used daily and which reveals a family of great cooks. Together they make a recipe from the book for cottage pudding, an almond sponge with cherries and whole nuts.
Gregor is starting his own book of recipes, too, so he takes a note of a recipe for brandy snaps. He recreates these at home with his own addition of pistachio and orange ice cream. Gregor also shares his favourite creations in his kitchen in Callanish. From home-smoked pastrami and accompanying rye rolls, a match made in heaven, to a colourful and moist blueberry cake with a zingy ginger and brown sugar topping.
Tha Griogair MacLeòid a’ siubhal nan eilean a’ tional sà r reasabaidhean agus a’ coinneachadh deagh bhèicearan ‘s còcairean.
San Eilean Sgitheanach tadhlaidh e air Magaidh Rois a bhuinneas do theaghlach math air còcaireachd. Seallaidh ise dha leabhar a bha a mà thair a’ cleachdadh gu là itheil. Còmhla nì iad reasabaidh as an leabhar airson mìlseag le spuinnse almoin, siristean agus cnothan slà n.
Tha Griogair cuideachd a’ tòiseachadh air leabhar reasabaidhean dha fhèin marsin tha e a’ tarraing reasabaidh as an leabhar son briosgaidean brandaidh. Air ais dhachaigh feuchaidh e seo a-mach ach a’ cur reòiteag pistachio is orains còmhla riutha.
Bheir e dhuinn cuideachd an reasabaidh aige fhèin airson pastrami smocte san dachaigh le rolaichean seagail mar chuideachd. Chan eil am beat air! Is nì e cèic dathte tais là n shubhagan gorma le dinnsear ùr-gheà rrte ‘s siucar donn air a mullach.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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