Episode 4
Peter is in Argyll and Bute learning about Westies' history and personality. Tha Pà druig ann an Earra-Ghà idheal is Bhòid ag ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh is nà dar nan Westie.
In this exciting episode, Peter MacQueen embarks on a heartfelt journey to explore one of Scotland’s most iconic dog breeds - the West Highland White Terrier, or Westie. These little dogs, known for their striking white coats and bold personalities, hold a special place in Peter’s heart, as he once had a beloved Westie named Seòras.
Peter’s adventure begins in Aberdeenshire, where he falls in love with an irresistible Westie puppy, before travelling to Argyll and Bute, where the breed originated, to uncover the fascinating story behind why these charming dogs were bred with their distinctive white fur.
As he meets different Westies along the way, Peter realises that, despite being the same breed, each one has a completely unique personality. Intrigued by this, he sets out to investigate how a breed can share certain traits while having such diverse individual temperaments. With the help of experts and a group of dog walkers in Glasgow’s famous Kelvingrove Park, Peter runs a scientific experiment to see if genes play a role in shaping these personalities.
After an emotional journey across Scotland, Peter unexpectedly finds himself ready to make a life-changing decision. Could a Westie be one of the breeds he wants to join his family?
San earrann bheòthail seo, tha Pà druig MacCuidhein air turas drùidhteach a dh’ionnsachadh mu aon de na seòrsachan còin as suaicheanta – An Abhag Ghà idhealach Gheal, neo an Westie. Tha na coin bheaga seo, a tha cliùiteach airson còtaichean geala is airson a bhith bragail, dlùth do chridhe Phà druig, oir bha fear dhiubh aige roimhe, Seòras.
Tòisichidh turas Phà druig ann an Siorrachd Obar Dheathain far a bheil e a’ tuiteam ann an gaol le cuilean tarraingeach Westie, mus tèid e gu Earra-Ghà idheal is Bhòid, dachaidh na gnèithe, airson ionnsachadh carson a chaidh am briodadh len fhionnadh suaicheanta geal.
Fhad ‘s a tha e a’ coinneachadh ri diofar choin Westie air a shlighe, tha Pà drùig ag ionnsachadh gu bheil iad uile eadar-dhealaichte ged as e an aon ghnè a th’ annta. Air a phiobrachadh le seo, tha e a’ coimhead ri ciamar a ghabhas e a bhith gu bheil na coin coltach ri chèile ann an iomadh dòigh, ach le a nà dar fhèin aig gach aon. Le cuideachadh bho eòlaichean agus bho buidheann luchd-cuairt-chon ann am pà irce ainmeil Kelvingrove ann an Glaschu, tha Pà druig a’ dèanamh deuchainn saidheansail a dhearbhadh a bheil buaidh aig ginean air nà dar nan con.
Às dèidh turas dhrùidhteach tarsainn na h-Alba, gu h-obann, tha Pà druig deiseil airson co-dhùnadh maireannach a dhèanamh. Saoil an e Westie aon dhe na gnèithean a tha e ag iarraidh a chur ris an teaghlach aige?
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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