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Midweek action from the SWPL as Hearts host Glasgow City at the Oriam in Edinburgh, in a crucial clash at the top of the league.

Geama meadhan na seachdain bhon SWPL le Hearts a’ cur fàilte air Glasgow City gu an Oriam ann an Dùn-Èideann ann an geama cudromach aig mullach na lìg. Tha làmh an uachdair air a bhith aig City sna geamaichean eadar iad an t-seusan-sa. Gheibh sibh a-mach dè thacharas an turas seo còmhla ri preasantair Micheal Steele agus an neach-aithris Ailig O’Henley.

Midweek action from the SWPL as Hearts host Glasgow City at the Oriam in Edinburgh, in a crucial clash at the top of the league. City have had the upper hand in both meetings between the sides this season. Find out what happens this time with presenter Micheal Steele and commentator Alex O’Henley.

2 hours, 20 minutes
