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Eòghann MacEunraig le Tatù Rìoghail Armailteach Dhùn Èideann 2024. Highlights from the 2024 Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

Tha Eòghann MacEunraig a’ toirt thugainn Tatù Rìoghail Armailteach Dhùn Èideann 2024. Cuide ri Mòr-chòmhlan nam Pìobairean ’s nan Drumairean air àilean a’ chaisteil, bidh caismeachdan agus ceòl is dannsa le còmhlain armailteach bho air air feadh an t-saoghail.

‘S e ‘Tursan’ cuspair Tatù na bliadhna agus am measg na chithear, tha Geàird Deas Ghnathach aig Cabhlach nan Stàitean Aonaichte, Majesticks, drumairean sonraichte às an Eilbheis, agus na ceumannan mìorbhaileach aig Dannsairean Tatù Rìoghail Armailteach Dhùn Èideann.

Ewen Henderson presents highlights from the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2024. Joining the Massed Pipes and Drums on the castle esplanade will be some of the most spectacular displays of marching, music and dance from regiments around the world.

‘Journeys’ is the theme of this year’s Tattoo and the highlights includes a debut performance from the US Navy Ceremonial Guard, the superb drumming skills of Majesticks from Switzerland and, of course, the amazing formations of The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo Dancers.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

1 hour, 30 minutes
