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In the fire, Notre-Dame cathedral lost its light and soul - researchers are working to restore the many things that perished.

Taobh a-staigh a ballachan bha mac-talla binn, drùidhteach aig ùrnaighean is ceòl. O chionn ghoirid, bha a' chathair-eaglais gun ghuth - agus tha an t-àm ann a h-ath-bheothachadh.

Fhad 's a bha Notre-Dame a' losgadh, bha an t-saoghal air fad a' gal, 's a' cuimhneachadh air an laigse is am bàsmhorachd fhèin. Tha luchd-rannsachaidh a-nise ag amas air fuaimearrachd, solas agus dathan na cathair-eaglais ath-chruthachadh. Thathar a' glanadh còmhdach sùith bhon ghlainne-dhathte. Aig an dearbh àm, chithear fìor dhath na cloiche: tha fianais ann gun robh a' chathair-eaglais air a peantadh air fad. Tron fhilm seo tha saidheans a' frithealadh naomhachd. Le dòchas gun cluinnear fuaim an òrgain as ainmeil air thalamh a-rithist taobh a-staigh ballachan Notre-Dame.

Tha am prògram seo a' tarraing oidhirpean eòlaichean agus ìomhaighean iongantach dhen làrach-thogail ri chèile, agus a' taisbeanadh dè a tha a' dèanamh Notre-Dame na samhla air beatha is bòidhchead. Leanaidh sinn luchd-saidheans, eachdraichean agus ailtirean is iad ag obair còmhla ann an oidhirp an t-seud seo ath-nuadhachadh.

Within Notre-Dame's walls, prayers and music once resonated with emotion and beauty. But due to the blaze, the cathedral lost its voice - and it is time to bring it back to life. As Notre-Dame burned, the whole world wept as it was confronted to its own fragility. Researchers now aim to recover the cathedral's acoustics, light and colours that created its beauty.

A dense layer of soot is removed from the stained glass. Meanwhile, the stone - now exposed - reveals its true colors: we have proof that the cathedral was fully painted. Throughout this film, science serves the sacred. The hope is that the world's most famous organ will once again resound within Notre-Dame’s walls.

This documentary combines experts’ interventions and exclusive footage of the construction site, while unveiling what makes Notre-Dame a shrine of life and beauty. We observe scientists, historians and architects working together, preparing to restore this jewel of humanity.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

52 minutes
