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After the Storm

Episode 12 of 18

Twenty years after the 2005 storm which claimed the lives of five members of the same family in Uist, Shona MacDonald hears about the lasting trauma for their loved ones.

Twenty years after the tragic 2005 storm which claimed the lives of five members of the same family in Uist, reporter Shona MacDonald hears about the lasting trauma for their loved ones, and asks how ready the islands are for the current and future effects of climate change.

20 bliadhna an dèidh an stoirm ann an 2005 anns an do chaill còignear dhen aon teaghlach am beatha ann an Uibhist, tha an tè-naidheachd Shona NicDhòmhnaill a’ cluinntinn mun chràdh leantainneach a tha an luchd-dàimh a’faireachdainn, agus a’ faighneachd dè cho ullaichte sa tha na h-eileanan airson buaidh atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde an-diugh agus anns na bliadhnaichean ri thighinn.

10 months left to watch

29 minutes


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