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Glacte san t-Snàth/The Woolly Tangle

Abney is so engrossed in his knitting that he doesn’t notice an enormous woolly tangle, wreaking havoc all over the island.

Tha Àtaidh a’ fighe. Tha e cho trang is nach eil e a’ mothachadh gu bheil an snàth a’ glacadh ann an iomadh rud air feadh an eilein, is ag adhbharachadh ùpraid. Tha Tilidh dhen bheachd gun deach Àtaidh a ghlacadh le uilebheist chlòimhe, is tha i a’ feuchainn ri shàbhaladh.

Abney is so engrossed in his knitting that he doesn’t notice an enormous woolly tangle, wreaking havoc all over the island. Teal thinks Abney must be trapped by a woolly monster and sets out to save him.

7 hours left to watch

11 minutes


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